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Most kids wake up to an alarm, right? At least, that's what I've been told. 

Do I let my brother wake up to an alarm? 



I screamed as loud as I could into his ear, and he shot up. 

He covered his ears with his hands. "My Notch, why?" 

He opened his eyes to see me standing there, my grin stretching from ear to ear. 

"'Cause," I replied, "It's fun to see you jump up like that." 

"You are literally the worst." He said, his smile giving it away that he was only joking. 

"Sure I am, what's your point?" I asked. "Come on, the others have been waiting." 

"Oh geez, how long was I asleep?" He asked, pushing himself off of the ground to join me. 

"Let's just say, my throat is starting to hurt. Dang, I forget how loud I have to be to wake you up." 

"Sorry." He shrugged his shoulders. "So, where are we all heading next?" 

"Dunno. Quinn says she thinks the compass won't lead us back to the town anymore. It's apparently pointing in a different direction." 

"Awesome." He grinned, and bolted away from me. "ADVENTURE TIME!"

"COME ON GRAB YOUR FRIENDS!" I yelled, running after him and quickly catching up. 

"WE'LL GO TO VERY DISTANT LANDS!" He screamed back.




"ADVENTURE TIME!" We both yelled at the end, before stopping right in front of the others. 

Skylar raised an eyebrow at us. "Sometimes I'm afraid to find out what's going on in those insane heads of yours." 

Jeremy looked over at me. "A wild Skylar has appeared, what should we do?" 

"Back away slowly." I grinned, and raised my hands in the air in mock surrender, backing away. 

He followed my lead, a grin spreading over his own face. 

Skylar facepalmed. 

"SKYLAR USED: FACEPALM!" I yelled, causing the others to jump.


He ran around in circles, waving his hands around in the air. It didn't take long for me to catch on. 

"Okay guys, we get it. We need to find the nearest mental asylum for you two." Shane said, a smile on his face. 

I stopped running, dropping to my knees and pretending to beg. "I CAN BE GOOD! PLEASE! DON'T SEND ME TO ST. OLGA'S SCHOOL FOR WAYWARD PRINCESSES!" 

"Star vs. The Forces of Nether!" Tyler said, snapping his fingers. 

My eyes widened, my mouth dropping open a little. 

I ran over, hugging Tyler's arm. "We're friends now. Besties. I ain't leaving your side." 

"Aren't." Cameron corrected, but I waved him away. 

Tyler awkwardly freed his arm. "I don't know much about the show. Macey watches it all the time, though." 

Macey shifted awkwardly in her spot. 

"Okay, then we're besties now." I smiled, poking Macey's arm. "Poke." 

A small smile appeared on Macey's face. 

Skylar cleared her throat. "Do you guys have all the references out of your system?" 

"Um..." Jeremy said, thinking for a second. "Think I'm good. Jenna?" 

"For now." I grinned, walking over and patting Quinn on the shoulder. "LEAD ON, KEEPER OF THE COMPASS!"

Jeremy ran up to us. "LEZZ GO!!! WOOT!" 

Alyssa grinned. "Yeah!" 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Skylar facepalm, and Tyler pat her on the back. She jerked away from him, Tyler's hand lowered. 

Huh. Wonder what's up with them? I thought, and before I asked, Jeremy pulled me to the front of the group. 

Now, I love my brother, but when it comes to things, it's me that pulls him around. 

I freed my arm, and grabbed his wrist, running forward and pulling him along. 


"I can't, I have a family!" Jeremy exclaimed, grinning. 

"YOU SIGNED THE OATH!" I grinned back. 

"Are you two gonna do this all day?" Cameron asked. 

"YES!" We both yelled back at the same time. 


Some cute sibling bonding filler until stuff starts going down in the mysterious Maze you guys still don't know about. >:)

Also there are like 6 different shows referenced in this.


As to why this is updated: I made a change in the plot lines that made this chapter have to be in Jenna's POV. The actual new chapter will be up later today! :D 

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