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"How much looooooonger?" Jeremy whined.

"You asked that twenty minutes ago." Quinn said, shaking her head.

In Jeremy's defense, we had been walking for a while. My legs were getting sore, and as if the distance weren't bad enough, the sun had apparently decided that it would be a great time to start super heating the planet.

How Skylar was standing it in her jacket, I didn't know. The only thing she had done was unzip it maybe a millimeter.

Does she have a death wish or something? I thought.

"Just for your information, I don't." She said.

Oh, crud.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"Yeah, kind of." She said. "What makes you think I have a death wish, 'or something'?"

"I dunno, maybe it's the fact that it must be twelve million degrees out and you're in a freaking leather jacket. How the heck are you standing this?"

She shrugged. "I just am, I guess. And I doubt it's twelve million degrees out."

"It's an expression!" I protested.

She didn't say anything, but stopped.

"Ugh, stupid necklace..." She muttered to herself, and pulled at a thin necklace chain around her neck, adjusting it. A small flash of green appeared.

"Hey, what's that?" I asked.

She tensed. "It's nothing." She muttered, letting go of the chain, and the green disappeared.

"Didn't look like nothing." I commented.

"Oh my Notch, can you just mind your own business?" She snapped, turning to look at me.

I held up my hands in defense. "Geez. Just asking."

She didn't say anything, but turned away and kept walking.

Wow. I thought. Whatever that is, she doesn't want anyone knowing about it.


It didn't take long after that until we had made it to the coordinates, where a house sat.

"So...who's gonna explain all this?" Jeremy asked.

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked.

"Come on. Nine random kids appear at your doorway, wouldn't you be a little confused?" Jeremy said.

"He has a point." Shane said.

"I'll do it." Jenna smiled. "No big deal, right?"

Yeah, no big deal. I thought. Just the fact that, hey, we're at your house because there's a crazy demon loose and we need to know if you'd have an idea where he would be. No biggie at all.

She walked up to the door wit way more confidence than I could ever muster in this situation, and knocked.

The door opened after a little while, revealing a woman with a confused expression on her face.

"...hi..." Jenna said, her confidence crumbling.

"Uh, hi? Who are you?"

"Well, I'm Jenna, that's my brother Jeremy, and these are my friends, Tyler, Macey, Skylar, Alyssa, Shane, Cameron and Quinn."

I was surprised by how easily she said "friends". She barely even knew me, but she trusted me enough to call me a friend already? I couldn't decide whether it was kind or just plain stupid.

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