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"Okay, so you guys have everything, right?"

I stood outside the door with the rest of the group, Lily and Josh opposite us. 

"Can you explain why you aren't coming with us again?" Jeremy asked, and we all groaned. 

"They've said it five times, Jeremy." Shane muttered, adjusting the strap of the old red backpack he had slung over his shoulder.

"We're going to see if we can find the other survivors that you said you got separated from." Lily explained. 

"To answer your question, yeah, we've got everything." Quinn said. "Thanks so much." 

"Not a problem." Josh responded, smiling. 

They had found a bunch of old backpacks and filled each one with extra food, water, and materials so we wouldn't have to worry about supplies for a while. 

"Good luck to you guys." Lily gave us the thumbs-up. "We'll try to catch up with you as fast as we can, and we'll bring some friends." 

"The more the merrier!" Jenna grinned.

"Alright, stay as safe as you can. Don't do anything stupid. We'll see you soon." Josh smiled, and the two of them started walking back the way we had originally come from. 

"'Don't do anything stupid.' Don't know if he's noticed, but nine kids are going after the most evil thing in this universe. That in it's own is stupid." Cameron commented. 

"Yeah, but you're forgetting one thing." Jeremy grinned. "We're gonna kick his-"

"Okay, let me stop you right now, 'cause I know exactly what you're gonna say." Jenna interrupted. 

"What? I was just gonna say-"

"PORCUPINES." Jenna yelled over top of him. 


We had to have been walking for hours when Skylar tripped over a tree branch.

"Ow, dammit." She muttered, pulling up her jacket sleeve to see that her elbow was bleeding. 

"Here, I've got bandag-" I started to say. 

"No, I can do it myself." She cut me off, reaching into her backpack and pulling out a bandage, sticking it to the scrape. She pulled the jacket sleeve back down, and stood back up. 

"You know, that can get infected." I said, remembering stuff my dad had said whenever I had accidentally cut myself or got a bad scrape. 

"I'll be fine." She muttered, and ran ahead to catch up with the rest of the group, who hadn't noticed her fall. 

"Okay then." I said under my breath, and ran to catch up. 


"So...where are we?"

We had made it to a small town. Around 15 buildings sat in a circle around a stone circle with a- was that a gallows

What in the Nether went on in this town that made it necessary for a gallows to be at the center? 

"Salem." Alyssa said, reading the sign over an archway that lead into the town.

"Okay, I've never heard of it. Has anyone else?" Skylar asked.

All of the other kids turned to Cameron. 

"Wha- hey, why are you all looking at me?" He asked. 

"You're the brainiac here, Cam." Jenna said. 

"If anyone would know about it, it'd be you." Shane agreed. 

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