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My head had been pounding for what felt like hours. I was too lightheaded to stand up, and every time I tried, a wave of nausea forced me back down again. 

Of all the times to get a bad migraine. 

The past two days had been bad enough. I'd tried to escape whenever the opportunity was there, though, because I'd be damned if I ended up just being the helpless damsel in distress waiting for some guy I'd never met before to come save me. 

That was what it looked like it was turning out to be, though. I felt the weakest I'd ever felt in my life. Curled up in a corner, on the verge of puking my guts out. And he hadn't even so much as touched me yet. 

One thing I was thankful for -- how dark it was in here. Any brighter would probably hurt my eyes, not to mention my head. 

Pressing a hand to my forehead, I tried to focus on what I knew. 

My name is Alesa. I did nothing wrong. I'm here for bait. I don't know the man I'm supposed to be bait for. I've been taken by a demon. I have to escape. The demon's possessing a girl. Her name is Skylar. She's fourteen. I need to find some way to help her. 

My thoughts drift as I wonder about her. What did she mean by it's a long story when I asked her about the demon? Does this girl have any parents? Friends? A home? Why is it that she was chosen to be possessed? The demon said he could use her for bait, was she that Sky person's daughter? 

A sudden thought made me freeze. 

The demon had called me Sky's girlfriend. What if all of those odd memories I had were real? What if this demon had managed to take away my memories? What if I was his girlfriend and didn't know it? And if that girl was his daughter, did that make me her mother?

No. I thought. She looks nothing like me. There's no way in Nether. And I'd never forget my own kid.

 An image flickers in my head for a split second, and I think I catch a glimpse of a smiling little boy with big blue eyes. It hurt my head to much to try to bring it back up, so I didn't dwell on it. 

Dimensions, I thought. He mentioned dimensions. 

It felt like I was trying to solve a thousand-piece puzzle with only ten pieces, and every time I thought I was given more, it turned out to be the same ten pieces. 

I groaned, almost hitting my head against the wall just before realizing what a terrible idea that was. This was too difficult to figure out. 

But maybe I didn't have to figure it all out. Maybe I could just figure out how to get out of here and save the girl, and then everything would be totally fine. I could go back to my life and not have to worry about crazy demons anymore, and sleep in an actual bed. Oh Notch, my bed. What I would've done to be sleeping there at that very moment. 

Suddenly, I heard footsteps walking down the hall. 

"Leave. Now." 

"But sir, you said to-" 

"I said, I want you to leave. You can come back later, but for now, leave." 

I looked up to see the girl, speaking to the guards at the front door. Her hood was up, and her hair was in her face so I couldn't see her eyes. 

The guards hesitated for a second. 

"What are you waiting for, a kiss on the cheek?" The girl yelled, and I was fairly certain that it was the demon talking. "Get a move on, now!" 

The guards nodded, and disappeared, seemingly evaporating into dust. 

"What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to focus on not throwing up. 

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