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****************the next day********************

Neither of us knew what happened, but we knew one thing. 

It couldn't have been good. 

I wanted to go figure out what happened really badly, but I heard what Dad said. 

"Don't come after me. I don't want you two caught up in this mess." 

And if there was one thing we learned yesterday, it's that Dad's rules are there for a good reason. 

Macey holed herself up in her room the previous night, after the call. I hadn't seen her all morning. 

And what was I doing?

I was attempting to get my mind off things through television shows. 

Let's put it this way: it wasn't working. 

I sighed, switching off the television halfway through a rerun of Crafter Who. I never understood the show, anyway. How in the Nether did those "daleks" or whatever they were build anything? All they had was a plunger and a whisk. 

Sorry, got off topic there. 

I walked through the back hallway, to the door of Macey's room, and knocked. "Macey?" I asked. "You alive in there?"

When I got no response, I pushed the door open, and saw Macey sprawled over her bed, fast asleep, clutching her old red teddy bear, Red, with tear tracks down her face. 

I went to her side, and gently shook her. "Macey, wake up. It's nearly twelve in the afternoon." 

Slowly, her eyes opened, and she sat up, still holding onto the teddy bear. 

"I had the worst nightmare..." She whispered.

"Hate to break it to you, sis, but that wasn't a nightmare." I said, sitting next her. 

She buried her face in her hands. "I thought if I said it, it would come true." She mumbled. "Tyler, I'm scared."

"Yeah. You're not the only one." I replied, staring at the ground. 

"I...I kind of want to go looking for him." Macey said.

I stared at her. Macey? Wanted to go after whatever that was? I did too, but Macey was not the adventuring type. 

"You want to go on an adventure, Mace?" I asked, the surprise in my voice clear, using her old nickname Dad gave her when she was little. 

"No. I want to find Dad." She rubbed her arm, where a bruise had formed from when she fell on the ground after...well, I already told you what happened. 

"After that call, I'm pretty sure that would be considered an adventure. I want to find him too, but you heard what he said. Don't go after him." I said.

"I know..." Macey whispered, and hugged Red closer. 

"I didn't know you still had Red." I observed.

"Yeah, well. You still have Teddy." She said, talking about my old teddy bear, and I turned red in the face. 

"Do not..." I mumbled.

Macey smiled. "Do too. I saw him in the back of your closet the other day." 

She always did speak a little louder when she was teasing me about something. 

I playfully shoved her. "Shut up."

She laughed a little. "Fine. But that doesn't mean I'm not right. "

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, let's go get breakfast. I'm starving." 

"Okay." She said, and we both walked out to the living room...

When someone knocked on the front door. Loudly. 

The look on Macey's face turned to fearful. "Who's there?" 

Even her voice shook. 

"It's okay, Macey." I said, even though I wasn't fully sure of that myself. "I'll see who's there."

"Are you sure?" She said, her voice small. 

"Yeah. I'm sure." 

I wasn't sure. In fact, I was terrified. But I went to the door anyway.

I looked out of the small window to see who it was. 

A girl who looked around my age was standing there, with a black jacket with the hood up, and an iron sword in her hand. The sword, I noticed, looked used. And the girl herself looked like she had been through a lot. 

"Hello?" I heard her say.

When she didn't get a response, she continued. "I can see you, you know."

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"You getting that answer depends if I'm in the right place." The girl said, crossing her arms. She didn't look like someone to mess with. "Do you know a Sky?"

I froze. "Why do you need to know?"

"Because," she said. "My dad's name is Ty, and he told me if there was ever a big emergency, to go to these coordinates and ask for his old friend, Sky. And this definitely qualifies as a big emergency."

She pulled her hood down, revealing long blonde hair. 

"My name's Skylar, and my dad's gone." 


Yes, I know there are a lot of Tyler chapters, but until this chapter, it's only been him and Macey, and to be honest, I like writing in Tyler's point of view. :) 

Also, just as a note, Tyler, Macey, Skylar, and Mitch's kid, Shane's, names all have meanings. Do with that information what you will. 

Also: In the last chapter, that part where Sky said "I love you" was directed at the KIDS, not Ty. Sorry Skylox shippers, but that is not happening. :P

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