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I let out a sigh of relief, the first one in a while, when Tyler opened his eyes.

"Where...?" He asked, his voice tired and small.

I managed a small smile, one that would've been no problem a few days ago.

A lot can change in a few days.

"Don't get your hopes up, Tyler. We're still in the Tunnel of Nether."

"Jenna? I thought you were-"

"Unconscious? I thought the same of you ten seconds ago. I woke up a few minutes before Skylar dragged your half-dead butt into this hall."

"Wait, so-"

He tried to sit up, and winced.

"Woah there, dude." I said. "Might not want to move so soon. Whatever was in there did more than just a number on you, they did the whole phone book."

"What happened?"

"Well, Cameron managed to get Shane out, and they were both back by the time you guys got out. Apparently, Shane thought it was a bad idea to leave me alone unconscious. Skylar came out with Quinn, starts saying something about how you were still in there, and Shane gave her the bow that was left with him along with the arrow."

"How'd Shane have a bow?"

I shrugged. "Same reason Skylar still had a plain stone sword on her, I guess."

"That's so weird..." Tyler muttered to himself.

"I know, right?" I agreed. "Anyway, Skylar got you out, and man, you were messed up. Thank Notch you ate before we were attacked, man, the regeneration must've saved you. We don't have anything else that would have. We just tried to stop you from bleeding out as best we could."

"How'd you do that?"

"You'll see Cameron doesn't have his jacket anymore."



"Where is everyone else?"

"They went to go see if they could find Alyssa or Macey. Once we find those two, we're golden. Or buttered, I guess, where you came from."

"Hardee har."

"Oh come on, that one was good!" I said, grinning slightly.

"Not really."

"You're just used to jokes like that. I guarantee you, that one was alright."

"If you say so." He said, laughing a little, looking over at me. "Are you doing alright, Jenna?"

"Says the boy who literally almost died."

"I'm serious."

"So am I. You should've seen Skylar lose it when we thought you were actually going to die."

"Lose it? Like, cry?"

"No. Like stomp off and kick a wall and just scream at it. Like it's the wall's fault."


"I don't really blame her."

"Which brings us back to my question." He says. "How are you doing?"

I looked away. "Don't want to talk about it."

"I get that, but-"

"I don't want to talk about it, Tyler."

"But-okay. Let's talk about something else. come you didn't go with the others to look?"

"Didn't feel like it." I said.

What I didn't tell him was that I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the fear rooms again. That if I went back in there, I would see Jeremy die again. That Jeremy would stand there and tell me it was my fault he died, and it was.

I should've held on tighter...

"Hey, guys!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Shane's voice coming down the hall.

Tyler sat up, wincing a bit. "Shane?"

I watched as Shane ran towards us before stopping, almost out of breath.
"Shane? What's going on?" I asked.

"Hold...on." He said, gasping for breath. "Give me...a catch my...breath."

He looked over at Tyler. "Glad to awake."

"Yeah, glad to see you too, man, what's wrong?"

Shane finally stopped breathing so heavily. "Nothing's really wrong, I guess. But we found Alyssa."

"Oh, thank Notch." I said. "Is she okay?"

"I think so. Unconscious like everyone else, but she seems fine."

"Okay, so why'd you run down here?" Tyler asked.

"Because," Shane replied, and turn to stare directly at Tyler.

"We found Macey."

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