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I opened my eyes in shock, suddenly plunged into freezing cold water.

How was this possible? I thought. The water...it had to have been at least twenty blocks away.

I shook my head. Not important. I had to get to the surface.

I looked to what felt like up, but it couldn't have been, because I was staring directly into an abyss of water that got darker and darker the further it went.

My lungs contracted, suddenly realizing that there was no air down here.

I frantically turned around and around until I saw it. The ocean got slightly lighter in color as I looked what felt as though it was below me.

I swam as fast as I could towards it, my lungs screaming for air.

If I survive that fall to only drown... I thought, the ocean's color getting lighter as I went.

I broke the surface, gasping for air, my lungs filling up again.

Only problem: it had apparently started to storm. What was going on with the weather?

Waves crashed into me, pulling me under for a few more seconds, but I managed to keep my head above water long enough to avoid drowning.

I just survived a two thousand block fall, I thought to myself. Wonder how many people can say that.

I looked around for the others. Had they made it, or did some omnipotent being suddenly decide that I was the one worth saving?

No, there were was the back of two blonde heads that I could only assume were Skylar and Shane. Cameron flailed in the waves, but somehow managed to keep his head above water, but that most likely had to do with Alyssa holding him up. Quinn wasn't seeming to have any trouble keeping herself above water, but her face was scrunched up, as if she was focusing.

Two people were missing. Jenna, and...

The thought struck me like a ton of bricks as I remembered one crucial detail.

Macey can't swim.

"Guys!" I called, and they all turned towards me with varying degrees of success, Cameron getting pulled under a few times along with Shane.

"Have any of you-" The waves crashed over my head. "-seen Macey?"

"No!" Alyssa yelled back. "No sign of her, or Jenna either!"

I looked around frantically, searching for my little sister. I was supposed to protect her. That was the new number one rule Dad had given me before he disappeared, I couldn't fail him, even if I wasn't really sure if he had told us the truth about himself.

"Tyler! There!" I heard from behind me, and saw Cameron pointing towards something.

I turned to see a flash of Macey's familiar red hair appear above the waves for a second, before a wave crashed against her and she disappeared.

"She can't swim!" I yelled in explanation to the others, and swam as fast as I could towards her.

I stopped for a second to see if she'd appear again, and sure enough, she appeared from underneath the water for long enough for me to hear a scream, and she disappeared again.

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