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As soon as I stepped into the room, I felt the already familiar chill I was starting to really hate. 

"I don't like this." I muttered

"No kidding."  Skylar agreed, stepping beside me and glancing around in the darkness. 

I could barely see anything, the light from the doorway just giving off enough light to see the floor, and not much else. 

"Who do you think's in here?" I asked. 

She shrugged. "No idea. But we better get them out, fast." 

She paused for a second. "How long did you say it took for stuff to start up again?" 

"I think about two minutes or so. But they don't show up directly in your face like what it was in the beginning. I think they stay more to the background at first, like-"

I hesitated, not sure if I wanted her to know that for the entirety of the time she was fighting me, Macey was dying in the background, and I had to try my best to ignore my little sister bleeding out on the ground, because I had to get Skylar out. Because it wasn't real. 

But it felt real. 

"Like what?" Skylar asked. 

"...Nothing." I said. "It doesn't matter." 

"You're lying." Skylar said. 

"No, I'm not!"

"You are. Your voice seems to go up a bit when you're lying." 

"How do you know, you don't know if I've lied to you before." 

She gave me a look. "One. You lied when I first met you because you didn't want to let me in. And two, it happens every time you tell me that you're fine." 

"That's not true." I said, trying to purposefully lower my voice. "I'm not lying."

"You are too."

"Are not."

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Let's get going." I muttered, changing the subject. 

She smiled a little. "I win." 


"That just further confirms that I won." 

"Oh my Notch, you are the worst." 

"So I've been told." She said, and her expression became focused. "Let's find whoever's in here." 


We walked further, the room getting darker as we went. 

"So, what were you going to say before you lied? Didn't seem like nothing." Skylar tried again, breaking the eerie silence. 

"Why do you keep prying?" I asked. 

"Because I want to know if what I'm going to see is going to completely throw me off guard or if I'll be able to handle it." 

"Please, you can handle anything. I've seen it myself." 

"I can handle most anything, Tyler. Emphasis on most. I don't think anyone can easily handle their worst nightmares showing up." 

"If I could deal with it, you could too, alright? You're stronger than I am." 

"Maybe in some cases." She muttered. "But probably not in all." 

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