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"For the thousandth time, kid, you can't hold me back forever."

I stood back up, having just regained control. The kid had some power behind her, I had to give her that, but she was still no match. 

"No matter how many times you take control back, I'll just rip it right back from you." I said. "You're fighting a losing battle, and you're just giving both of us a headache. So why don't you sit down, and quit your pathetic attempts to keep me locked up? Save us both a lot of time."

"I won't." I heard her say. "You aren't going to win, we'll beat you. Just like you were defeated last time!"

I grinned. "Right, your dad 'defeated' me. Sure. Don't know if you've noticed, but I sure don't feel too defeated right about now."

I sat down on the ground, my back up against the wall. "Besides, I feel like you should probably sort out your own issues before coming here to lose to me. That weird not-romance thing you've got going on with the Sky kid? Wow." 

"Shut up."

"I mean, it was amusing at first, but now it's just sad." I said, grinning. "Seriously, it's like watching a bad soap opera! He's hopelessly in love with you, gag, and you push him away because you're too damaged. Geez, you'd think with who your parents are, you'd be able to afford something better than a bad Grey's Anatomy episode."

"What the Nether is Grey's Anatomy?"

"If you're as brain-dead as your father, it won't matter explaining the whole dimensions thing."

"My father is not brain dead. You're just an evil son of a-"

"Oh come on, don't be like that!" I said. "This can work, you know? We can be like Quirrel and Voldemort in A Very Potter Musical! I'll start. You like plotting a garden, and I like plotting to kill-

"I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"And now the fact that you don't know what that is will bug you until the end of time. Most evil thing there is." I grinned. "There's torture, and then there's even better torture." 

She didn't respond. 

"Told you so." I said.

"Um, sir?"

I looked up to see a Shadow standing in the doorway. 

"Is she causing problems?"

I stood up. "Are you suggesting that a worthless little girl has more power than I do?" 

"No, not at all."

"Better not be." I said. "What is it? I don't recall asking you to be here."

"I bring news." They responded. "A Shadow has been missing for a while now."

"So? You morons go missing all the time, why should I care? I can just make more of you in seconds." 

"It's not that."

"Well, then, get on with it!" I said. "What's so important about a Shadow going missing?"

"It's not that they went missing, it's that we found them." They said. "We're not sure if they know we know, but I saw them helping one of the kids." 

"Helping one of the kids how?" 

"They seemed to be transferring a small amount of their own powers to the kid. Made him more powerful." 

"Transferring powers? Interesting..." I said.

"Should we be worried?" They asked. 

I laughed. "Worried? That's one kid and one Shadow. Besides, you know what will happen if they mess up helping the kid. One wrong move and pop, kid goes boom."

"Yes, but if the Shadow doesn't mess up-"

"Then the level of power the brat would need to have transferred to be a threat would mean they wouldn't be very human, wouldn't it? And I know how to handle idiots like you." 

"Sorry, but I don't really know what you're talking about."

"Because you're a moron." I said. "Transferring powers to a human doesn't come without repercussions. Power like that doesn't come cheap. Too much power right off the bat will make the other instantly explode, but if you build up a sort of resistance, then just about anyone can handle it. But if you keep that going for too long, that power will end up sticking around, which means..."

I gestured toward him to finish.

"The human is dangerous?"

I sighed. "No! It means the human won't be a human anymore. They'll start becoming the closest thing to being a Shadow without being a real one. Geez, it's like talking to a brick wall." 

The Shadow smiled. "Then that makes our job a bit easier."


"I couldn't get a clear view, but I'm fairly sure the Shadow was working with Sky's kid."

Sky's kid. That did make things easier. 

"Did you see which Shadow it was?" 

"Yes. It was Jess."

I sighed, slapping my hand to my forehead. "Of course."

"We could send an army." The Shadow suggested. "Wipe the traitor off the face of the planet."

"Nah. She'll come back sometime. Preferably, she'll lead all of that group straight towards us. Then our job is much easier."


"Well, good. Great. Fantastic. Our job is slightly easier. Jess is still Jess. Do you have anything to report that's actually worth my time?"

"Oh, uh, yes." They said. "We found her." 

Now that sparked my interest. "You did? Are you positive it's the right girl?" 

"Absolutely. Same name, same face. It couldn't be anyone else."

I smiled. "Glad to see you idiots are finally getting something right. Where is she?"

"We're keeping her in the first dungeon we have. Guards at all times."

"Good. You're dismissed." I said, and the Shadow nodded, leaving the room. 

They found the girl. I grinned. The pieces were falling into place. 

I left the room, walking through the twists and turns of the hallways in the base until I came to the dungeons. Two guards stood at the door to the first cell. 

"Move out the way. I'm seeing this for myself." I said. "Make sure you morons did get it right."

I stepped through the door and saw her in the corner. She was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees into her chest with her back to the floor. She looked up at me, tears and fear in her multicolored eyes. 

I smiled. "Nice to see you again, Alesa."


Didn't get any art this week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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