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"I...I don't know." 

"Well, obviously you did something." I said. "That sword hasn't shown up before, seems pretty convenient to me that it shows up just when you needed it." 

"I know that, I just...don't know how I did it." Tyler replied, holding the sword away from him, as if he were scared it would randomly explode. 

"Either way, that. Was. AWESOME!" Jenna exclaimed, jumping up from her spot on the ground. "Oh man, did you guys see that? That shadow guy was like 'ooh I'm gonna kill you', and Tyler was like, 'no please why?!' and then that sword appeared like psssssh out of the amulet and you totally sliced the guy in half, Tyler! And then Skylar was all stealthy and snuck around the other shadow guy who went all Princess Bride on this like 'you killed my friend, prepare to die' and you freaking got him! We are the freaking best!"


"Am I right?" Jenna asked, this time a little less hyper. 

Jeremy grinned, getting up. "Completely." 

Jenna jumped up and down like a four-year-old after a candy binge. "Bacca Twin high-five!" 

They high-fived, both of them with matching goofy grins on their faces. 

Cameron cleared his throat. "Okay then. So I'm guessing we're half-decent at fighting?" 

"Not us, my friend." Jeremy punched his shoulder lightly. "But those guys." 

He pointed at me, Shane, and Tyler. 

Tyler suddenly let out a yelp, and everyone turned to see the sword turning to light in his hands, and disappearing into his amulet. The amulet seemed to glow a little brighter than it had ten seconds ago. 

"Are you kidding me?" Shane asked. "It disappears just like that?" 

"Oh my Notch, it leaves behind something that looks suspiciously like glitter. I'm gonna be sick." Tyler muttered, brushing a few tiny purple flecks off of his jacket. 

"Aww, what's the matter, Tyler? Can't handle a little sparkle?" Jenna teased. 

"No, actually, I'd rather not, thanks." He muttered. 

"Yeah, count me out on glitter." Shane agreed. 

"Me too." I said. 

"Hang on, can we focus on this?" Quinn asked. "Sorry, but a sword that's obviously enchanted just appeared out of your amulet. Am I the only one who's freaked?" 

"Yeah...I'm guessing that's not normal?" Alyssa asked, raising her hand a little from the ground.

She tried to stand up, and winced.

"Alyssa, I think you broke som-" Cameron started. 

"No worries." She grinned, and switched on her jetpack. "This is why it pays to have the tech." 

"Yeah, but-" 

"Cameron, chillax. I'll be fine tomorrow morning." 

"Tomorrow morning?" Cameron asked, tilting his head. 

She shrugged. "Yeah. Always am. I've broken bones before." 

"But...okay." Cameron muttered, giving up. 

"Guys, I know we're all probably feeling a little bruised, but we've got to get moving. I feel like the Town's not gonna be happy about us disintegrating their leaders." I pointed out. 

"And I want to get off of the roof." I just barely heard Macey speak from the roof, her voice much quieter than what I was used to. 

Shane nodded. "We can figure out what's up with the amulet later. Right now, I'm with Skylar on this one." 

Quinn pulled the compass out of her pocket. "Yeah, it's working again. But we have to go back and get our stuff first." 

"Right." Cameron nodded. 


It wasn't long before we had stopped for the night. Alyssa had already gone into her Pixelmon ball-thing, and the others were asleep. 

All of the others...except for Tyler. 

I sat up, sleep completely alluding me, to see Tyler a little ways off. He sat with his back against a tree, the gem of the amulet resting in his palms. He was intensely staring at it, as if it would tell him all the secrets of the universe. 

I walked over to him. "Hey." 

He jumped, startled by my voice. "Oh. Hi." 

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I asked. 

He shrugged. "I could ask you the same question." 

"Touche." I sat down next to him. "You trying to figure out how to get it to work?" 

"Yeah. I've retraced my steps a thousand times, but nothing happens. I don't get it." 

"Maybe it only appears when you're scared." I suggested. 

"I was not scared." He grumbled. 

"Oh, do not pull 'tough guy' with me." I said. "Trust me. I've seen it before and I'm not fooled." 

"Okay, okay. But seriously, who wouldn't be scared in that situation?" He admitted. 

"True. Hmm..." I tapped my chin with my finger, trying to think. 

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head, and I smiled a little. "Maybe it only appears when there's no one left to do the work for you." 


I let out a small snort of laughter. 

"You're awful." He grinned. "Maybe it only appears when the power of the MLG, and 360 no scope all of them fools."*

"Oh my god. You need sleep." I said, shaking my head. 

"Sleep is for the weak!" He exclaimed, punching the air. 

"Yeah. Okay. Just to let you know, though, I kicked way more butt than you did."

"I'll give you that." He shrugged, leaning back against the tree and staring at the amulet again. 

"Okay, well I'm gonna try and go back to sleep. Go to bed, alright?" I stood up. 

"Yeah, okay." He said absentmindedly. 

I shook my head, and turned to walk back to my spot on the ground. 

"Hey, Skylar?" 

I stopped, turning around. "Yeah?" 

"Remember how you said you didn't care if I didn't trust you?" He asked. 

"...Kind of." I replied. I probably had, at some point, but I couldn't really remember. 

"Well, I do. I trust you." 


Awww, the #Tylar feels. :3

*I'm sorry, but secretkeeper666 's comment was just too good to resist. XD

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