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My eyes opened, my vision unfocused.

Everything hurt.

Where was I?

What was going on?

Tyler. Macey.

Where are they? Are they hurt? Are they even alive?

The last thought hurt the most.

If they were dead, it was my fault.

I told them nothing, and now...

Notch, how could I have been so stupid...

My vision cleared, and I could finally see the room I was in.

The same stone made up the whole room, floor, ceiling, walls and all. A single torch lit up the room.

My arms and legs were bound against the wall. I struggled against them, but they held tight.

"Huh. The hit you took should have knocked you clean out for at least a week. Guess you got lucky."

I snapped my head up as the all-too-familiar voice spoke.

Jin stood in the doorway, his eyes glinting red.

"Well, well, well. We meet again, Sky. Gotta say, the day I saw that little girl of yours through the keyhole of the box, I knew she'd be the one to let me free. She had that curious look in her eye that ends most people's lives."

A sadistic grin was spread across his face.

"What have you done with them?" I demanded.

"Like I would tell you. Besides, even if they weren't a part of this fun little situation we've got here, I still have this one. Jin, was it?"

"Let him go." I said, gritting my teeth. "He's not a part of this."

"Oh, but now he is." Darklox grinned. "I happen to like this one. He seems to mean as much to you as that pitiful Deadlox, plus an added bonus. I get to watch him slowly lose his marbles! Best fun there is!"

"You're a sick bastard." I muttered.

"Nice try, but flattery won't get you out of here." He said.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Really, Going with the cliche hero line? Wow, I expected more from you, Sky." He grinned.

I stayed silent.

"Well, I would go with the cliche villain line and say 'revenge', but I won't. But there is a lot of things I want at the moment. High up on that list is to force you to watch me kill those adorable little kids of yours, let you sit with that memory for a while, and then kill you as slowly as possible."

I tensed at the mention of Tyler and Macey, and he grinned.

"See? That gets you every time without fail. Maybe I will do that later, after all this is through. Yeah, that might be fun, but there's something else that's going to have to come first, I'm afraid. Can't very well ask you if your dead, sadly."

A sword appeared in his hand, and he pressed it against my throat. "Where's the amulet?"

I stared him directly in the eyes. "Why do you want my amulet?"

"Wow. I really expected you'd know by now. Sad, really."

"Know what?"

"Cute. You think I'll actually tell you. Where is the amulet?"

"Tell me where my friends are, and maybe you'll get the answer to that question." I said.

"Heh. You know, it's not really smart to try and make a deal with a demon who's got a sword against your throat."

"So I've heard." I said. I knew this wasn't smart, but he had the rest of my friends somewhere. I had to know where they were.

"Well, I would say I'll let them go if you tell me where the amulet is, but we both know I would be lying." He grinned.

I stayed silent.

"So, you aren't gonna talk, huh?" He sighed. "Why can't you heroes ever just cooperate? I mean, really." He removed the sword from my throat.

"You know, I know this other demon. His name's Bill. Real moron, Bill is."

I was confused. Why was he bringing this up?

"Anyways, Bill got a lot wrong. I mean, sure, he was able to trick this kid and snag himself a vessel, but he let himself be kicked out of the vessel. By a twelve year old." He scoffed.

I stared at him. "You got kicked out of a vessel by a twelve year old."

"That doesn't count." He said defensively.

"I think it does." I said. "Pretty sure Deadlox kicked you out when he was twelve."

"That's besides the point!" He said, his eyes flashing dangerously.

I chose to shut up. I didn't think I could get out of here if my head was separated from my neck.

"Anyways, what I was trying to point out was that he got a lot wrong. Although, if I remember correctly, there was one thing he got right."

The grin appeared on his face again, and I got the sense that even though I was standing my ground now, that was about to be tested.

"Pain is hilarious." He said, and sliced my arm open.

It was only the first move, but there were hours to come.


Team Crafted: Second GenerationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora