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(A/N: Yes, I know there's a lot of Tyler's POV lately, but it's necessary for this part) 

It started with a scream. 

I shot up, looking around to see the others had woken up too. Sunlight streamed through the window of the room. 

"What...what was that?" Jeremy asked. 

"Don't know, but it doesn't sound good." Shane said. "Have weapons on hand. It won't kill them if they aren't enchanted, but it'll slow them down." 

Jenna stood, walking over to the door and peeking out. 

"Uh, guys?" She said, turning back to face us. "Might want to come see this." 

The rest of us joined her at the door, and we saw the sight outside. 

A person was lying on the ground in the courtyard, dead. A crowd of people surrounded him or her, leaving just a small opening for us to see what was happening. 

"I don't understand, I thought we got rid of the serial killer!" One of the townspeople cried. 

"Serial killer?" Skylar muttered. "Don't like the sound of that." 

"There must be more than one, then." 

I froze when I heard the voice of the woman from before, the woman who was apparently possessed. 

"We should hold a town meeting immediately." She continued. 

"Yes, it makes the most sense." The man from before, who's name I had forgotten, John or something, agreed. 

The woman turned to see us at the door. "Oh, dear. I am so sorry you have to see this, children."

"What's going on?" Quinn asked, pulling off "scared kid" without a hitch. 

"Well, you see, our town is going through a few terrible tragedies. Some of our numbers have decided to betray us. We believed that we had gotten rid of these betrayers." 

"It seems that at least one has still slipped through our fingers yet again." The man said. 

"At...least?" Jenna asked.

"Okay...can we go now?" Cameron muttered, low enough so that only we could hear.

"Um, well, we hope you get your problem fixed, but we really should get going..." Shane explained, and we all started to walk away. 

We were immediately stopped by the man. "Sorry, but we can't let you leave now." 

"Why not?" Jeremy asked, and I saw his hand casually move to the handle of his axe that he had hidden underneath his shirt whenever Shane said to get weapons. 

"I'm afraid that we have no choice but to consider you as suspects as well." The woman said.


 "What I don't understand is what they're doing." 

I was back in the house with Skylar and Macey, after the town meeting had adjourned. The others had gone out to see if they could find anything interesting, or maybe catch the killer themselves. 

Absolutely nothing had been accomplished at the meeting. People were yelling at each other, breaking down crying, everything. 

"Well, maybe they're not Shadows. Maybe they're good guys who got coincidental tattoos." I suggested. 

Skylar stared at me. "After the way she looked at that amulet? I doubt it." 

"Just making a suggestion." I muttered. 

"Yeah, but when you make suggestions, they're supposed to be helpful." 

"I'm trying, okay? Sorry I know nothing!" I exclaimed, suddenly angry. 


"Sorry my dad told me nothing! Sorry my dad lied to me about who he was! Sorry I've been basically living with a stranger my whole life! Sorry he ever found me in the first place!"

"You aren't the only one who's got problems here, Tyler!" Skylar exclaimed. 

"Yeah, sure. You had problems. At least you've actually known your dad! At least your dad really is your dad! At least you've gotten to know your true parents! At least you've known what it's like to have a mom!"

"Don't you dare talk about my mom!" She yelled. "I don't want to know my mom! I learned nothing from her, she's dead to me, okay? Don't you dare sit here and tell me that my life is perfect!" 

I stopped. "What?" 

She froze, looking like she regretted speaking. 

"Skylar, what were you even talking about?" I asked. 

"Just..." She turned to walk out of the room. "Forget it."

"But-" I started. 

"I said forget it!" She exclaimed, leaving the room.

A few seconds of silence went by. 


I jumped when I heard Macey's quiet voice, having forgotten that she was there. 


"Is Skylar okay?" 

I looked over at the door. "I don't think so." 



sorry if this chapter sucks :( 

Don't forget about the Watty Awards, guys! 

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