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"How long have we been here?" I asked, my back against the wall.

Cameron shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe twenty minutes or so?"

"Feels like hours."

We had made it to the center, and had been waiting there for Notch knows how long. No one had shown up.

"You sound like Jenna and Jeremy." Shane commented. He had made himself busy by pulling a slime ball out of his backpack and bouncing it off of the wall.

"That has got to carry some sort of germ." Skylar muttered, watching Shane bounce the slime off of the wall for the hundreth time.

"The slime, the wall, or Shane?" I joked, hoping to ease whatever tension was between us. I didn't understand why she was so freaked about the thing the clone said.

She smiled a little. "All three."

"Hey!" Shane exclaimed.

"Where do you think they are?" I asked, staring at one of the entrances to the center. "It's been a while."

"Tyler, I swear, it's been like twenty minutes." Skylar replied, her normal stoic expression back on her face.

"Besides, we have no clue how big this maze is. They could anywhere. It could be hour-"

Just as he spoke, I heard a loud, familiar voice shout from one of the entrances.

"That's the center, Quinn! We made it! We freaking made it!"

"Jenna?" Shane called. "Jenna, we're in here!"

"Are you nuts?" Skylar exclaimed. "They could be clones!"

"Clones?" Jenna asked, walking through one of the entrances with Quinn at her heels. "Oh, tell me we get awesome clones that fight for us and stuff! That would be so cool!"

"Hardly." Skylar muttered.

"I don't see anything off about either of them, Skylar." Cameron reasoned. "I think this really is them."

"Uh-duh? Who else would we be?" Jenna asked, tilting her head.

"Clones that want to kill us." Skylar said, narrowing her eyes at the both of them.

"Woah dude, chill. I'm all Jenna. And hey, if we do run across any of those clones-"

She pulled an axe out of her backpack. "I have an axe! REET! REET! REET!"

Skylar stopped glaring. "It's them."

"No kidding." Shane agreed.

Jenna put her axe back in her bag. "So, have any of you guys seen my doofus brother?"

"If any of us had, he'd be with us." I pointed out.

"Oh. Right. So let's see, we've got Tyler the kid, Stoic Skylar, Shane with the sword, Cam Cam the brain, me, Kippers, and the Mace. So that means we're missing..."

Jenna counted on her fingers. "Alyssa Jetson and my bro bro. Sweet! Only two more!"

"Make that one."

I spun around at the sound of another voice, only to see Alyssa, with another Alyssa pressing a gun to the back of her head.

Instantly, Skylar and Shane had their swords in their hands, pointing them straight at her.

"Watch yourselves." The Alyssa clone smiled. "One more step and your friend here will truly be 'out of this world'."

None of us moved a muscle, except Macey, who inched a little closer to me, her knuckles white from gripping the dagger.

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