Chapter 68

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Puck was enthralled. "That's her?"

"That's her." Dr. Fontanilla nodded with a small smile.

Quinn swiped at tears gathering on her lashes. "We're having a girl."

"Congratulations." Dr. Fontanilla turned off the sound of the heartbeat. "Would you like photos?"

"Yes, please!"

He smiled. "Of course. You can get dressed now."

"Thank you." Quinn took the paper towels he'd handed her and began wiping her stomach clean.

He left as Puck turned to give her a big kiss. "Thank you for this."

"I didn't make her a girl." The blonde was amused.

"No. Thank you for all of this. I didn't think I'd get to go through this again and actually go through it. Thank you for giving me a chance to prove that I'm not the knucklehead that's jealous of his best friend. I am in love with you for you."

Quinn sniffled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And I'm not using you to make myself feel better. I love you for you."

They stayed hugged up together until the doctor returned. "You're not dressed."

"I got sidetracked." Quinn chuckled.

"Well these are for you." He handed her the sonograms and a few sheets of paper. "I know you said you've been through this before but medicine is ever changing. Here's a list of dos and don'ts. Here's a list of what to eat and what to avoid. Here's a list of medication you should take.

Remember to discuss this list with your psychiatrist. Are there any questions?"

"My due date?" Quinn had no other questions.

"March 5, 2015."

"Thanks, Doc." Puck shook his hand.

"You're welcome. I'll see you in a month for your next check up."


"Just tell us!" Mercedes shook Quinn.

Quinn played mum until she screamed, "It's a girl!"

Her family (the female half) screamed. "Congratulations!"

"Yeah! I'm so happy!" She sighed happily.

"We're going to have girls together." Mercedes hugged her.

"What?" Quinn looked at her askance.

"What?!" The family looked at her askance.

"My next baby is going to be a girl." Mercedes nodded. "I can feel it."

"This gon be the only one!" Marcy mimicked her voice.

The others laughed as Mercedes scowled. "You let Mal near you again!"

"Bet that stops!"

"Marcy!" Rose giggled. "You're stopping?!"

"I did my job! He has a plethora of children!"

"I know that's right!" Jeanette agreed. "He doesn't need anymore and if he thinks he does, he can get right on pushing them out!"

Marcy high-fived her.

"You're having more children, Marce." Quinn grinned.

"And I say you're not done! Whatcha wanna bet you have a boy after this?!"

"Oh no! One is all I need."

"You're having a boy."

Mercedes squeezed Quinn. "Sorry, Sissy but I'm wishing it on you, too!"

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