Chapter 35

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Marcy tripped over a toy and sighed as the doorbell rang again. She hurried to the door and pulled it open without checking who it was first. She should have checked...

"Hello." Rose smiled tentatively.

"Hello." Marcy huffed.

"How are you?"

"Why are you here?"

"I came to visit."

"I don't know where Mercy or Q are." Marcy began.

"No, no! I'm here to visit you."


"Marcy, please!" Rose brought up her hands.

Marcy heard a faint cry and sighed. "You might as well come in to call your taxi to go."

Rose brought her things inside and shut and locked the door before following Marcy into the den. She looked around and saw the house wasn't very clean. Which was shocking. She brought her children up to despise dirt.

Marcy made it to the den and picked up Riley. She rocked with her until she went back to sleep, still whimpering. When she quieted somewhat, Marcy put her in her bassinet and began picking up a broken vase.

"Marcy, no!" Rose kept her voice low as she intercepted her daughter. "You can get cut!"

Marcy made a sound that sounded defeated instead of snide.

Rose watched her throw up her hands and go to start collecting books that were strewn all over the floor. "Why is this vase broken?"

"A tornado hit." She muttered. "A tornado named Mally."

"Mally did this?" Rose scooped all the pieces inside the biggest piece. "Where's your rubbish bin?"

"I got it." Marcy put the books on a table.

"No, no. I've got it."

Marcy breathed. "I-I don't know. Just put it anywhere."

Rose went to the kitchen to throw away the ceramic vase and saw the den and entryway weren't the only dirty places. The kitchen had food thrown everywhere, dog food was spilled on the floor and water was in big puddles.

Rose was horrified and came back to the den to see Marcy setting things back to rights. Slowly. Very slowly. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Marcy just placed the books on shelves, not even caring they weren't in order.

Rose went to her and pulled her to her feet. "You stop this! Tell me right now what's going on!"

"Nothing!" Marcy snatched away from her with a scowl.

"Marceline Anne Eve Taylor-Jones, you tell me right this instant-!"

"Oh now you want to be a mother?!" Marcy shouted.

Riley stirred but didn't awaken.

"Go on. Let it out." Rose knew this was a long time coming.

"No. No. I'm not doing this." Marcy backed away. "Get out."


"Get out!"

"No! You're angry with me and if we're ever to repair our relationship, we have to get this out of the way. Come now. It'll make you feel better."

"No, it'll make you feel better."

"I know you may dislike me right now-" Rose tried to keep her composure.

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