Chapter 8

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Mercedes stretched and opened her eyes. Something was touching her and she hoped there was a reasonable explanation for it. There was definitely a hand on her breast; kneading it gently.

She looked down to see her top pulled up and a milky white hand playing with her breast. She smirked and leaned her head back. "Can I help you?"

"More like I can help you." Mike's deep voice rumbled behind her.

"Oh yeah? How are you gonna help me?"

He showed her. As she climbed down from her high, he smirked into her hair. "Happy birthday."

She panted. "Thank you. Now let me up. I have to take a shower."

"Want me to join you?"

"Haven't you done enough?!"

"A man's job is never done."


"Happy birthday, Sissy!" Quinn embraced Mercedes as soon as she made it to the kitchen.

"Thank you, Sissy." Mercedes enjoyed getting birthday wishes.

"Where's Mikey?"

"He went upstairs. He said something about wanting to catch Puck and Artie in bed together."

Quinn laughed. "What are you making?"

"French toast."

"I should make breakfast for you. Tell you what; when we go shopping later, you can pick the restaurant for lunch."

"Thank you." Mercedes giggled.

"It's your day." Quinn grabbed her coffee. "Who's going to wake up Satan?"

"I can do it. You watch this." She went upstairs and knocked on Santana's door. "Tana? Wake up, girl!"

Santana answered the door minutes later, looking grumpy as a viral cat. "What, Wheezy?!"

"Breakfast. Get dressed and come down to the sunroom. Make sure to get the sleep out of your eyes." Mercedes smiled then flounced off downstairs.

Santana felt her face and saw sleep on her fingers. She grimaced and got her stuff to freshen up.


Santana walked into the sunroom half an hour later. She sat limply in a chair and looked around blearily before glaring at Mercedes. "I'm tired."

"Drink some coffee." Mercedes poured her a cup.

Santana took it and doctored it up before taking a sip. "Good."

Quinn kicked her.

"Ow! What was that for?!" She lurched forward.

Quinn looked pointedly at her sister.

Santana didn't get it at first but then realized what today was. "Happy birthday, Aretha!"

Quinn rolled her eyes but Mercedes smiled. "Thank you, Santana."

"If you're celebrating Friday, what are you going to do today?"

"Shop and open presents. Make my family pay attention to me."

"Presents?" Santana was really paying attention then.

"Yeah. They start arriving a few days before my birthday. I have a pile in my sitting room. I'm surprised you didn't notice it last night."

"I was tired. Patti was right. Things look better in the light."

"Well I'm going to open as many as I can. More should arrive today and tomorrow."

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