Chapter 24

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Mercedes hurried to throw her coat on. It was freezing even though it was mid day. She shuddered as she did up the zipper and buttons.

"It's so cold!" Tiffany put to words what Mercedes was thinking.

"It damn sure is." Santana tried to get them to huddle together.

"With all that dancing, I'd think you would be hot." Puck snickered.

"Just goes to show thinking's not your strong suit."

Mercedes swatted her. "Stop that! Now listen to the crowd. They're chanting our name."

That was true. The crowd was chanting Treble at the top of their lungs like it wasn't 23°.

"You guys did great." Crystal shivered in her great coat. "Stay to sign some autographs then we can leave."

"Where are we going after this?" Tiffany wanted to know.

"Back to the studio to go over next week."

The group groaned.

"Hey, you wanna leave, you have to work."

"Fine." Ringo sulked.

"Okay, go see your adoring fans!"


"Hi." Mercedes smiled. "What's your name?"

"Florera but everyone just calls me Flo." The little girl grinned.

"Our bassist's name is Florera." Mercedes signed her program.

"I know. My mummy has your songs and she preordered your album."

"Really?" Mercedes was touched.

"I like everybody but you're my favorite." The little girl whispered.

Mercedes nearly started crying in happiness. "Would you like a hug, Florera?"

She nodded so fast, Mercedes thought her neck would snap. "Yes!"

Mercedes gave her a hug. "I'm glad to have fans like you."

Florera squealed.

Her mother smiled when they parted. "Thank you for the autograph. When we heard you were performing here today, she made me promise to bring her."

Mercedes smiled. "Thank you for bringing her. Did you enjoy any songs?"

"Yes. I love Mirror Ball. We play it in the car all the time."

Mercedes' smile turned blinding. "Thank you!"

"We don't want to take up too much of your time."

"That's okay. I love to hear from you guys. Have a good day."

The mother pulled away her child, who looked back and waved big.

Mercedes waved back.

"You're really good at this." Crystal noted.

"I just like to meet people." She shrugged.

"Well this is impressive. You're all doing good though so keep up the good work. We'll be able to leave soon and get back to the warm studio."


Mike rolled his neck then refocused on his work. It was the fifth time in ten minutes.

Artie rolled in. "Still working?"

Mike looked over. "Yeah. I thought you were out, getting the last shots for your movie for your final project?"

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