Chapter 4

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Tina looked around the bright space in awe.

There was hardwood floors with big sanded windows. The walls were white with random splashes of color as if someone had dipped a paintbrush in color and thrown it.

One wall was a wall of mirrors and had a barre while an easel was set up near a window. A big, light oak desk was near another and had art supplies on it. On another wall were shelves of other supplies.

On the wall by the door was a series of pegs that held aprons and smocks. One wall was closed off and sat glaringly obvious in the room. It was painted black and red and had a door with a square red window.

"This is the best studio ever." Tina uttered.

Mal smiled. "She does love it."

"Can we see your darkroom now?"

He nodded and took them to the black and red room. He opened the door cautiously.

Tina peeked inside before going in fully. "Wow!"

Pictures were strewn up on a clothesline while metal shelves held containers of liquid, film, cameras and other things of that nature. A sink was built into the wall.

Mal shut the door behind them. "It's my private oasis."

"It's so cool that Marcy had this built for you."

"Yeah, I offered to thank her but she said no."

It took Tina a moment to get it but then she blushed. "How are you dealing with Pierre?"

"That was only my second time seeing him. I hope I'll never see him again."

"I'm sorry that she's with him."

"I thought you thought he was cute?"

Tina smiled. "Don't be jealous. He's not as cute as you."

"Aww! Thank you, Tina. I might have to steal you from your boyfriend."

"Changs have been known to do that." She giggled.

Mal chuckled.

"Well I've seen what I wanted to. If you have any pictures you don't want, I'll gladly take them off your hands. You're really good."

"Thanks, Tina." He held the door open a sliver so as to not expose his pictures to light.

She slipped out before him then blinked to adjust to the bright light of the studio. She saw Mercedes and Quinn by the desk, admiring the drawing there. "Guys? I'm ready."

They walked over. "Like what you see?"

"It's beautiful."

"Well let's go. We only have so much time before Marcy gets back with Rou."

Mal grimaced. "Can't wait to see how she reacts."

"To what?" Tina asked.

Mercedes slapped his bicep. "To the house!"

"Uh huh." He began pushing them out. "Not to kick you out but I'm about to leave."

"You're so rude!" Quinn snapped. "You are kicking us out!"

"I'm definitely kicking you out."

She made a noise of distress. "I'm telling Mrs. C!"

"Tell her! I don't have to answer her calls!"

"Mal!" Mercedes scolded.

"We'll change the locks and not give you a key."

"You are a menace!"

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