Chapter 30

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"Are you guys ready?!" Mercedes knocked on two doors. Santana and Quinn came from their rooms. "Thank you! We're late!"

"You sound like Marcy." Quinn put on her last shoe.

"We want to be there early for Mal. This is his first exhibit. I'm so proud of him."

"I'm proud of him, too but the pictures aren't going anywhere."

Mercedes pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. "I bet even our fighting family is there on time."

"You mean your brother and sister?" Santana queried. "They really can't stop fighting. I thought she was going to punch him last night."

"Marc and Laura need to get it together."

"It's just a lovers spat." Quinn shut her door. "I'm ready. Let's go."

The trio walked downstairs and out to the garage. Travis and Rhonda were already gone so they piled into Mercedes' Cadillac.

Mercedes drove to the gallery and found a parking spot. They exited the car and went inside. They gave over their tickets before giving their coats over to coat check.

"What do you want to see first?" Mercedes asked.

"Let's find Mal." Quinn suggested. "See how he's holding up."

"Okay." Mercedes tried to see past people but it was a crush, even this early into the night.

"I think I see Chang, Puckerman and Jimi with your brother." Santana pointed.

"Let's go. Maybe they know where he is?"

They squeezed past people to get to the small group. "Hey!"

"Hey!" The men raised glasses of wine or bottles of beer.

The ladies kissed their men. "Have you seen Mal?"

"He's holding court with some snobs over there." Puck pointed.

"How do you know they're snobs, Puck?" Mercedes gave him screw face.

"I know snobs, Mama and those people are straight up snobs."

"I bet they're really friendly and nice."

"You're really friendly and nice. Nobody else is."

She stuck her tongue out.

He snapped his teeth together.


Quinn burst out laughing.

"Aww dang, Q!" Puck pouted.

"Mercy, be nice. I can't believe I just had to say that!"

"You didn't have to." Mike shrugged.

Quinn pushed his arm. "Marc!"

"Oh yeah! Call your bodyguard!"

"Leave her alone, punk." Marc commanded.

"You're the punk." Mike sniffed.

"Do you want me to beat you in front of all these people?"

"I'm not scared of you!" Marc took a step and Mike put Mercedes in front of him. "Mercy, get him!"

Puck and Artie snickered.

Mercedes swatted both Mike and Marc. "Don't you dare ruin this for Jr.!"

Marc made a face. "Nobody's gon ruin anything for the little termite."

"You better not! He's worked his whole life for this!"

"Okay! Relax. Drink some wine."

"I already had some wine this week. Where's the food? I'm craving some cheese."

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