Chapter 5

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"Bye, Tina. Bye, Finn." Karou hugged both.

"Bye, Karou." They hugged her back.

"Say "bye, Finn"." Marcy told the twins. "Say it in English."

The twins waved. "Bye, Finn!"

"Say "bye, Tina"."

"Bye, Tina!"

"Aww!" Tina cooed. "Bye, sweet things!"

Finn held his hand out and Mally stood on his tiptoes to slap it.

"We'll see you." Mal hugged Tina and slapped hands with Finn.

"Bye, Mal." They told him.

"Come back anytime." Marcy said.

"Can I get a hug?" Tina asked.




"Marcy!" Mercedes swatted her. "Give her a hug!"

"You hug her!"

"I will!" Mercedes hugged Tina tightly.

Marcy bubbled up with laughter.

"Get in there, Q." Puck pushed her.

Quinn glared at him. "Why?!"

"Don't you want to hug your friend?" Mike asked.

Quinn shrugged before hugging Tina.

"Don't stop hugging her, Mama." Puck commanded. "K-Easy, get in there."

Karou shrugged. "I like hugs."

"Let me stop you there." Marcy raised a hand. "I'm not hugging nobody."

"Come on, Mini Mama." Puck cajoled.


"You're messing up the flow." Mal teased.

"I'm not hugging nobody." She refused.

"Come on, Marcy." Finn pleaded. "Just a little hug?"


"You can't hug your friends?" Mike folded his arms.


Mal pushed her into the group and made her wrap her arms around Quinn.

"Ooh, I'm gon get you." She cut her eyes at him.

"I know." He smiled.

Puck snapped a picture of them. "Definitely going in a folder."

"A folder?" Mike was confused.

Puck didn't want to say what he really meant. "A special folder for friends."

"Oh." Mike frowned at how weird that sounded then realized who he was talking to. "Gross!"

"What?! I'm not related to any of them!"

Finn grinned. "Neither am I."

"I feel like I should fight you two." Mike muttered.

"At least I'll die having seen this." Puck shrugged.

"Can we stop hugging now?" Marcy griped.

"Yeah, this is getting ridiculous." Quinn was sick of it.

Mal let them go and they unfurled like a flower. Mickey leaned forward and hugged her mom's legs.

"Aww!" Tina gushed. "She's so cute!"

"Yeah." Marcy picked her up.

Mally went to Tina and raised his arms. Tina picked him up and he hugged her and brushed his lips against her cheek. "Aww! Sweet baby!"

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