Chapter 16

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Mercedes unlocked the door and led Santana and Quinn to the kitchen. She raced to Marcy's side as soon as she saw her. "How are you doing, baby?"

Marcy breathed deeply. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Quinn wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Yes. I'm fine." Marcy muttered.

Mercedes didn't buy it. Marcy always had a soft voice but now it was near nonexistent and she kept her eyes down. "Are you going into work?"


"Are you sure?" Mal stood from the table and put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher. "I could stay home and we can watch scary movies all day."

"Won't your crazy boss shit a brick?"

"I don't care about him. I care about you." He leaned against the island.

Marcy continued scrubbing the pot the oatmeal had been in. "Go to work."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go."

He frowned but left, after kissing the twins goodbye.

Karou stood up and brought her dishes to the dishwasher before clearing her throat. "Can I stay here a little longer?"

"What do you mean?" Marcy moved onto the muffin tin that had held the mini fritatas.

"Well you know I applied to schools everywhere and I got into Renyolds."

Marcy turned to her. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I found out yesterday."

Marcy swallowed. "Of course you can stay. I'm so proud of you, Rou."

"Us too." Mercedes hugged the short haired blonde. "Renyolds is a good school."

"Renyolds? Don't you mean Reynolds?" Santana sat at the island.

"No, it's Renyolds." Quinn said. "It's a performing arts school here. It's really hard to get into."

"Really? How good is it?"

"Most of the alumni end up being movie stars and such." Mercedes grabbed a strip of bacon and tore it in half. She gave the other half to Quinn.

"Maybe I need to take a couple classes there?"

"You can try to get in. You should try fast. The studio is being understanding about classes so at least you don't have to choose."

"When do your classes start?"


"What am I going to do while you all are going to school?"

"Jude is here." Marcy pointed out.

"Brah, don't you think I should be getting back to New York?" Jude asked.

"Don't go back. New York is a waste for you. You're just making coffee all day."

"I like making coffee."

"Then make it here."

"I have an apartment in New York and a girl I like."

"Get an apartment here. I know you're probably sick of stepping on the twins' toys but get an apartment here. I know your parents gave you your inheritance and you're not broke. Buy the condo downstairs."

"It's too big for just me."

"Get roommates."

"I'd rather find something smaller."

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