Chapter 37

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Mickey pulled on Mercedes' sleeve. "Where's Mommy and Daddy?"

Mercedes' eyes widened. "Your mommy is...-"

"A little sick." Quinn thought up.

Mercedes gave her a look. "Right. Mommy's a little sick and Daddy is trying to make her feel better."

"Did she take some medicine?" Mally demanded.

"She took some last night." She knew that for sure.

Both twins shot up and ran out of the playroom. The adults looked at each other before trying to go after them. The twins were faster and ran upstairs.

Puck, Quinn and Santana ran after them. The twins raced into their parents' sitting room and burst through the door of their bedroom.

"Mommy!" They yelled.

"Guys!" Mal shushed them but it was too late. Marcy stirred.

"We're sorry!" Puck, Quinn and Santana apologized. "They got away from us!"

"It's okay." Marcy shifted away from Mal and reached down to pick the twins up one at a time. She set them between her and Mal.

"Mommy, you have to take medicine." Mally told her.

"The purple kind. It tastes the best." Mickey added.

Marcy smiled tiredly (her medicine made her sleepy). "Thank you. I've already taken some."

"Do you want soup? You make us soup when we feel sick."

"I'm not hungry, honey."

"It's been a while since you ate." Quinn lectured. "You should eat."


"No, you need to eat. You were always such a bad eater."

"Q." Mal chided. "Lay off. Maybe she wants to go back to sleep?"

"And she can. After she eats." Quinn didn't care.

"You are so bossy."


"Babe." Puck wrapped an arm around her. "How about we make her something and she can just eat on it?"

Quinn thought it over. "Well, as long as she eats something. Get something in her."

"Yay, Queen Quinn has decided." Mal snarked.

"Mal." Marcy patted his hand.

He narrowed his eyes at the Brit.

Quinn narrowed her eyes back. "Do you have a taste for anything?"

"Not really." Marcy shook her head. "But my stomach's unsettled so maybe some toast?"

"I got you, Mini Mama." Puck swore. "You know I'm a master at making toast."

"Thanks, Puck." They were about to leave when she spoke up again. "Can I have more tea?"

"What kind do you want?" Quinn picked up the empty mug.

"Can you mix blueberry and passion fruit?"


"Thank you."

Quinn kissed the side of her head and threw Mal a glare before leaving with Puck and Santana.

Santana waited until they were halfway down the steps to ask, "So what's up with you and Little Chang? That was pissy even for you guys."

Quinn frowned. "She's always had a weak appetite. She only overate when stressed or nervous or not paying attention. Any other time, she picked at her food."

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