Ambush [28]

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Choi nodded softly, holding his hand up to his mouth in thought.

(Y/n) just arrived at the Hunters Guild, but Ichigo seemed to be all finished with catching Cha and Choi up on the current situation with Yogumunt. Fanzer hadn't shown up yet, but Ichigo and (Y/n) received a small text message from him confirming that he was on his way back. The Thief couldn't find his sister, and even after sending her a message, he received nothing back. (Y/n) and Ichigo told him it was fine.

Lolikiano's inclusion would've been nice, but they'd have to manage either way.

(Y/n) was quick to inform Choi and Cha a bit more information, specifying that they'd need to go to Japan to catch Yogumunt.

Choi gestured to Cha, and Vice Guild-Master said, "I think we should go. Stopping the Red Gates and possibly getting to the bottom of Gates could be a huge help for the world. I don't necessarily agree with keeping this from everyone else, but it's undeniable that a High-Ranker could possibly be working with Yogumunt."

Choi nodded. "It'll be a bit difficult to explain, but I'll find a way for the five of us to go on a raid together."

The four Hunters nodded, all in agreement.

Fanzer arrived, and he was filled in on the situation. He informed the group—more specifically, he told Choi and Cha, who wouldn't have known better—that Lolikiano couldn't assist them, but that she wished them well.

By the next day, the group of five—or more specifically, six, because of one sudden add-on—were packed up and ready for a one-week trip to Japan, ending on the 31st of December. Although they only had less than 48 hours to work with, it was more convenient for them to plan a week trip rather than a two-day trip.

Fanzer, Ichigo, and (Y/n) all sat next to one another on the flight to Japan, all prepared for a two-hour flight.

"Did you get to say goodbye to your sister?" Fanzer asked, but (Y/n) shook his head.

"No, I didn't. She was still unconscious from Yogumunt's attack. I sent her some messages, and I'll try to call whenever we land," (Y/n) sighed, shaking his head. "But I won't worry about her safety for now. I left five of my summons and a strong bodyguard behind to protect her. However...."

(Y/n)'s eyes met Cha's as she walked down the plane's walkway. His eyes then darted to Byung-Ho, who was walking behind her with leering eyes. He seemed to be somewhat recovered from (Y/n)'s attack, but there was still a somewhat clear fist imprint on his face. He didn't seem to be bothered by it.

"Why is he here?" (Y/n) questioned, raising his eyebrows up high.

Cha sighed. "Would you believe me if I said he's better with us than anywhere else?"

(Y/n) shrugged softly and Cha sighed again.

Sung looked at Ichigo, who had an exceedingly excited look on her face. He didn't even have to ask her why as Cha sat down in the seat ahead of him and glanced back.

"Ah, she's probably excited because Goto Ryuji will be there. She fought with him and me a few years ago, and she actually lost against us both. He's a bigger genius though, I think I just got lucky. I'm excited to see my old partner again," Cha said, a small smile rising to her face. (Y/n) blinked at her, and her face suddenly grew red. "Ah, not like... romantic though! Haha, we were just sparring partners for a few months while I lived in Japan."

(Y/n) blinked some more, a small smirk rising to his face. "Yeah, sure, I got it. I won't tell anyone," he teased.

As Cha tried to fumble her way into explaining herself further, (Y/n) leaned back, closing his eyes.

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