White Werewolf [11]

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On a day not unlike the one when Fanzer snatched Legacy, a year prior, Ichigo bounced on the heels of her feet excitedly. She was waiting in line for a plate of leviathan sushi. Leviathans showed up all over the place within Gates, but apparently this one specific shop had the best leviathan sushi there was, and no way was Ichigo going to miss out on it.

This was the sole reason she was in Korea.

But when she stepped up to get her serving, the light out of her eyes faded away.

A young man flipped the sign from "open" to "closed."

There was a cry from behind Ichigo, "Aww, why'd y'all close? Y'all still got a few hours 'til closin' time, right?"

The young man slowly looked up to the man, undeniable bags under his eyes. He spoke slowly, a bit too slowly. "We... ran... out... of... supplies... our... guild... will... be... going... out... now...."

The long line of people moaned and groaned, but eventually they cleared away, leaving one extremely dejected Ichigo on her own. She stared at the now-empty shop, dramatic tears filling her eyes.

"I was so close... but I'm still so far...." Ichigo slumped in her spot, turning around slowly as she felt someone tap on her shoulder. It was a young man with golden eyes. He was tiny, much tinier than Ichigo. She stood about a foot taller than him.

"Uh, hey, I got this, and I won't be able to eat it because of a raid. It feels kinda wrong to just throw it away, but don't feel forced to eat it or anything. I'd definitely understand where you're coming from, since it's from a stranger and―"

Ichigo couldn't have moved faster.

She snatched the food from the young man, completely ignoring the odd energy surrounding the black-haired man and downing the food in an instant.

She was chewing and thanking the man at the same time, but by the time she looked up, he was gone, presumably to a raid.

"Where'd he go...?" Ichigo looked around, but after finding nothing, a fierce resolve filled her heart. Passion shined in her eyes.

"A black-haired golden-eyed Hunter. He didn't look too strong, so was he a D-Rank or an E-Rank...? Either way, I've gotta find him and repay him!"

Ichigo's stomach growled.

"Well... after I eat some more."


Fanzer's sprint slowed to a jog when he saw a Gate in the distance. He'd jump in and his chaser would stop if they were even halfway sensible. To Fanzer, jumping into a Gate that'd already been assigned to a guild meant very little. He planned to be out of Korea soon anyways, so he'd jump in, wait a few hours, and then leave with no problem at all.

However, upon experiencing a worryingly high amount of wind surging behind him, his plans very quickly changed. He glanced backward and immediately regretted it.

A visage of what he could only call "a monster" seemed to loom over Ichigo as she raced towards him.

"I signed up for a lot, but not this!" The thief suddenly started high tailing it, dashing straight for the Gate with all hopes in his heart that it wasn't too much for him to handle.

"C'mon, c'mon!" Fanzer huffed and puffed with everything his body had, and he was only a few feet away from the Gate before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going, thief?" Ichigo asked, and Fanzer was quick to reply with a smirk.

"Elsewhere. Where you aren't. Where anyone but the devil herself resides. Also known as, in this Gate," Fanzer grinned, a nervous sweat running down his face. In his hand, another card appeared between his fingers. "Card 1, six-inch teleportation."

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