Training 2 [21]

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I haven't had any author's notes at all, so... how do you feel about Fanzer and Ichigo? 

Beyond that, enjoy the chapter.


Fanzer was as astonished as he was perplexed. The scene he was looking at left his mouth hanging open.

(Y/n)'s eyes stayed locked onto Ichigo, not blinking or pausing to take a breath.

'My left shoulder, my stomach, and a high-kick towards the head,' (Y/n) leaned back before taking a quick step back and ducking underneath Ichigo's kick. The blows missed (Y/n) by a few inches, but the next one, an improvised Brazilian kick, slammed directly into his head.

(Y/n) groaned as the world spun.

'My face...!' (Y/n) barely pulled his arms together to block his face, but Ichigo's kick sent him flying. He barely landed on his feet, stumbling backwards. Ichigo was there, before (Y/n) could recognize it. Her fist flew towards his face, and his head titled just enough to let her fist slip past his head. 'My movements are too big, too slow! I need to keep them smaller...!'

(Y/n)'s arms throbbed in pain; his chest ached with the dull remnants of the fight with Lycaon.

'Sweep to my left leg,' (Y/n) pulled his leg up, shoving his foot into Ichigo's stomach. His attack was stopped short though, Ichigo grabbing his leg and pulling him over her head, slamming him into the ground. (Y/n) gasped.

(Y/n) tried to flip up from the ground, but his arm was kicked out from underneath him. His leg, halfway up, slammed into Ichigo's side. Ichigo pushed forward, grabbing (Y/n) by the collar of his shirt, slamming him into the ground again before throwing him away. (Y/n) slid across the floor, coughing.

(Y/n) looked up and barely rolled out of the way, flipping up to his feet. He wiped his lips and smiled, meeting Ichigo's gaze with his own. He charged.

One blow was traded for another, and no mistake went unpunished.

Fanzer wasn't a fighter, he recognized that. He was a thief. He couldn't say he knew everything about a good fight either, but he ran into a lot of them over his years as a thief. And because he was the type to run instead of fight, he could say one thing confidently.

But he didn't need to say it.

"He's good," A high-pitched voice rung out from beside Fanzer. He glanced over, noting the pink hair out of the corner of his eye. "But he can be much better."

"Even with his mana?"

She was quiet for a moment. The sounds of Ichigo and (Y/n) trading blows made sure the silence didn't last long.

"Rather, it's because of his mana."

Fanzer opened his mouth, but after seeing his sister fully focused on the two's fight, he didn't say anything. Instead, he sighed, a small smile rising to his face.

(Y/n) barely avoided another one of Ichigo's blows, only to get hit by a follow-up attack. (Y/n) stumbled back. Ichigo took a step back, sweat running down her face. After a moment, Ichigo charged again.

A voice rung out inside of (Y/n)'s head.

[Skill: Telepathy is being used. Currently connected with user.]

"You obviously can't keep up with her in terms of speed, play smarter!" The voice, a woman's voice, rung within (Y/n)'s head. For a moment, he wished to look around and identify who was yelling orders at him, but with Ichigo right in front of him, he didn't dare to look away.

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