Calm [56]

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So, a hop and a skip away, the three Hunters walked through a Gate that emerged in a nearby alleyway. Despite being opposed to it beforehand, (Y/n) put all of Jino's gifts into his Inventory, keeping them out of the way.

They'd appeared in an alleyway for two reasons. One, they didn't want to instantly be attacked by a vastly superior opponent, and two, they couldn't open one inside the association even if they wanted to.

As the description of Yama's Gate noted, creating a Gate where other mana interferes is incredibly difficult. Within the Korean Hunter's Association, where Miyoung, Jin-Chul, and several other Hunters resided, it was difficult — pointless, really — to try and make a Gate. It was more efficient to just do it in an alleyway with far invasive mana and just walk the rest of the way.

As they stood in the dark, dreary alleyway, Fanzer was the first one to speak. Ichigo had most of a mind to just enjoy the scenery, even though there wasn't much to look at.

"Um, why are we here?" The Devil's Gambler drawled. "I mean, there's an obvious reason, but I don't really get how that's gonna connect with our problem."

(Y/n) hummed. "Then what's that obvious reason?"

"For one, we could hurry up and show off our amazingness. We were the ones who killed Yogumunt, after all. However, that doesn't make a difference when we need a place to stay — ohh."


Ichigo craned her head back. She stopped looking through a nearby trashcan and her confused eyes flickered between the Thief and Necromancer. "What?"

Fanzer just stared at (Y/n) for a second, his mouth hanging. A disbelieving smile started to tug at his mouth. "No way."

Ichigo blinked. "What, what is it?"

Fanzer sighed, a large, contrasting smile rising to his face, "This insane zombitch is the worst. He's really about to get us the best seats in the city."

(Y/n) smiled with similar vigor, "This insane zombitch is, indeed, the worst."

The two burst into laughter, Ichigo staring at them both in disarray.

After they eventually wound down, Ichigo gave her load of presents to Yama, and the Summon returned to (Y/n)'s shadow. With their hands freed, the trio entered the Korean Hunter's Association.

The Association was a 24-hour establishment, but because it was so late, only two workers remained near the entrance. There was a janitor who bobbed her head as she swept up underneath the common's sitting area, and there was a receptionist who was tiredly trying to look alive behind the front desk. On the receptionist's desk, a bowl of candy sat.

(Y/n) gave the janitor a swift nod and approached the receptionist. The receptionist tried to put on his best professional smile. All it took was telling the employee why he was there and showing him his Hunter's License to get past.

Apparently Miyoung had informed the receptionist of (Y/n)'s presence, and as such he had an easy time past the entrance. However, Ichigo and Fanzer didn't have the same permissions.

"Don't — hup, oh, this is comfortable — worry about us. Some nice air conditioning is just what we needed," Fanzer yawned, sitting on one of the chairs that has already been swept under.

Ichigo nodded to (Y/n) once, eyes twinkling as she made eye contact with the receptionist. The receptionist gave her a small smile, nodding. She dug her hand through the bowl, getting several bright colored candies. She quickly peeled off a few and shoved them into her mouth.

All the while, (Y/n) was staring at her. She gave him a small laugh before speaking.

"Yeah, we'll be fine! Just go!"

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