Dual Bosses [7]

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(Y/n) didn't regret putting so many stat points into Agility. He was starting to really understand the value of speed in a battle.

(Y/n) ordered his Summons to line up, so he could get a decent look at them.

With six new souls ready to be added to his group, (Y/n) accepted that he may have to say goodbye to some of his ants.

From strongest to weakest, there was Igris, three arachnids, and 12 myrmidons.

Igris was the only named monster, and while (Y/n) didn't have any concrete reasoning for that, he assumed it was because Igris originally had a name.

(Y/n) approached the six weakest ants, and they bowed in response. (Y/n) let out a small sigh before shaking his head. He sat his hand on an ants' head.

"Thanks for your hard work, but right now, I need strength. Cancel Soul Revival," (Y/n) spoke, and the six ants fell into the ground, their mana puffing up into the air before completely dissipating.

(Y/n) glanced at the spot where the ants once were, and a notification appeared after a moment.

[Soul Revival cannot be used on a target that has been sent into the void.]

(Y/n) swept his gaze over to the poisonous-steel arachnid chunks lying about, speaking before the notification could even appear.

"Arise," (Y/n) smiled, the six black spiders rising from their corpses and bowing to their master.

With his summons in order, (Y/n) swiped open his status screen and plugged in his latest points.

[Vitality: 16 -> 19]

"I wonder... is there a maximum to stats? I probably won't be hitting it anytime soon, but still," (Y/n) hummed to himself before shaking his head. "Something to think about another time."

(Y/n) closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "For now... which one is the boss? And... why are there two strong signatures in the first place?"

Through the forest of grass, there were two mana signatures that stood out compared to everything else. One was lower in the earth, within a small cavern. The other was high in the sky, on the branch of one of the few giant trees.

(Y/n) silently debated which of the two would be a better option. He could only get a vague sense of their locations, so he didn't know what type of enemies he'd be facing.

"Between the two options...." (Y/n) tapped his chin, rising from his spot. "I think the cavern enemy would be better experience."

Before the E-Rank could continue forward, he was stopped as he saw Igris pointing his sword towards the nearby tree that housed the strong mana signature.

(Y/n) met the monster's gaze for a long moment.

Igris was (Y/n)'s Summon, so most would assume he'd have the best intentions at heart, but upon remembering how the red knight died, (Y/n) doubted that notion.

The red knight committed suicide; it was as simple as that. (Y/n) simply couldn't trust that Igris would be so willing to help him after that.

'It's not like Igris has been trying to kill me though... there's been plenty of opportunities to do so, even leaving me to get eaten earlier would've been more effective. Would revenge be that important to him...?' (Y/n) stared the monster down, but he learned nothing new despite his efforts.

Igris was a threat, even more than the other summons. (Y/n) was positive that he could defeat every one of his summoned soldiers except Igris. He was even sure that he could fight all the summons at the same time, but Igris was a different case entirely.

[Dual Leveling!] Solo Leveling X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now