Game Faces [37]

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The three discussed a few more situations and possible plans before Fanzer nodded, ready to move forward.

"Okay. I'm gonna scope out the entire island using one of my skills. I'm only gonna limit it to nonliving things, so it won't give away our location... hopefully," Fanzer chuckled nervously. As he lowered himself to the ground, (Y/n) let out a sigh.

"So, you could just... do that? Why didn't you do that earlier?"

"And enable your bad decision-making skills? Nuh-uh. Besides, I was low on mana."

(Y/n) shrugged to himself, accepting Fanzer's logic.

Mana began to gather around Fanzer's hand, forming a Lucky Coin with his hat symbol on it.

[Fanzer has activated the Soul Attribute skill: Lucky Coin.]

After a moment, the coin landed on heads, causing Fanzer to laugh happily.

[Fanzer has received an Efficiency buff.]

He quickly lowered himself to the ground before laying both hands flat on the snow.

[Fanzer is using the skill: Mana Sight 100%.]

Purple mana pulsed from Fanzer's hands, rushing over the surroundings at incredible speeds. However, it didn't just stop there. It kept going and going, racing across the seas and hitting places they never would've known about.

Fanzer shook in his spot, trying not to be overwhelmed by the massive amount of knowledge. Blood flowed from his nose as he kept on pushing. He couldn't hear Ichigo and (Y/n)'s nervous calls to him.

"There!" He cheered, pulling back and woozily standing from his crouched spot. He nearly fell over before his friends supported him. He wiped the blood away from his nose, shrugging at their worried gazes. "A little nosebleed has never killed, I'll be fine. More importantly, I got the location. There's this... castle. It's basically a castle, one-for-one. Inside, there are some research materials, so I'm pretty sure that's where he'll be."

The three nodded, Ichigo's growling stomach causing the two men to look at her. She looked away, uncharacteristically sheepish.

"On our walk there, we'll grab something to eat so you can be in top condition," (Y/n) reassured the woman, causing fire to return to her eyes. Before he was even done talking, he ordered his summons to do just that, to allow the three to work with whatever energy they could.

"Oh, the place we started at is on the path there," Fanzer told them, causing the two to grow serious.

The three began walking through the snow, the cold suddenly doing nothing to dissuade their fiery determination.

After a few minutes in, (Y/n) began. "When we get out of here, we should spend Christmas together."

Fanzer smiled, "Where's this coming from?"

Ichigo interjected, "Either way, I'm in!"

(Y/n) grinned at Ichigo before responding to Fanzer. "Nowhere specifically. I just want to introduce my sister to you both. It'll be a first."

Fanzer shrugged, "Okay, but only if you share what's the deal with Ashborn."

(Y/n) nodded, "It's a deal. I'll even throw in the bonus of where my abilities come from, what I know of it anyways."

Ichigo grinned. "As long as there's good food, you can ask me anything you want!"

Fanzer smirked, "These three fools will never be stopped."

There was a moment of silence before the three grew serious.

"Time to put our game faces on."

A short walk, snack, and leap away, they arrived at the cavernous area they originated from. It was filled with bodies. Some of friends, some of foes. (Y/n) didn't look away from the scene, despite how horrible it looked. Cha Hae-In and Goto Ryuji weren't there, reassuring (Y/n) a bit.

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