Ant King [67]

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I don't have much to say for this chapter, but I'm definitely enjoying the story's progression now! Hopefully, you're enjoying it too!


Holding a useless hand in front of the miniature sun, (Y/n) squinted. "Thanks for the light show. You really know how to bring in the party."

Salem scoffed. "Parties with this much light would be boring." Her hands fell to her waist nonchalantly. "I'd much prefer the dark in a party."

(Y/n) nodded. "I agree. Maybe it's about time to cut off the lights then."

With a snap of his own fingers, unnatural shadows pulsed out from (Y/n)'s feet. Despite the light, the shadows only thrived and moved faster and faster, crawling across the room's floor.

Shadow's Domain was incredibly useful when (Y/n) needed his Shadows to assist him. However, he doubted that they'd always be by his side, despite how powerful and useful they were. In a case where they weren't around, (Y/n)'s abilities alone would be the most important things in his possession.

So, as Pandora taught him, he tweaked a skill's fundamentals to create something new and useful for the moment.

[You have activated the skill: Void's Domain.]

"What... what's happening...?!" Salem began to lose her cool in the face of (Y/n)'s ability. The Domain of the Void absorbed the Light Magic greedily and only grew stronger, feeding that mana back to (Y/n). The cycle allowed (Y/n) to quickly fuel his Umbral Robes, which curled around him protectively in opposition to the miniature sun. "Your skills... you shouldn't be strong enough to have a Soul Domain! This is...."

(Y/n) frowned. 'Soul Domain? It's probably a specific attribute of a Soul Attribute. Beyond Yogumunt and Pandora, I suppose I haven't ever seen someone use their abilities in an area like this, huh. Maybe I'm a bit more of a cheat than I thought!'

"This is ridiculous...! Fine, I'll risk everything!" Salem clapped her hands together, and for just a moment, (Y/n) could've sworn the world went white, like he was Solar Flared out of nowhere.

Salem's mana pulsed into ranges that (Y/n) had never experienced, even against Pandora. It only took him an instant to realize what she was doing. For her, an instant was a bit too slow.

[Salem is activating the skill: Spiritual Body Manifestation.]

A Soul Attribute was extremely common for Hunters. It'd naturally Awaken around the A-Rank, or it could just appear in earlier Rankings with special conditions. They granted any number of abilities, but they didn't guarantee anything.

Everyone with a Soul Attribute could, technically, unlock their Spiritual Body Manifestation. It wasn't an easy accomplishment, but it was possible for everyone.

Possible did not mean common. Even among the Heavenly Thousand, only 5% could Manifest their Soul in a physical sense. And only about 1% felt comfortable and strong enough in their Spiritual Form to actually activate the skill in combat, ever.

For the other 4%, the use of Spiritual Body Manifestation was unnecessarily reckless.

See, a Soul Attribute was the Soul being channeled through mana and coming out in a variety of ways.

A way of describing a Soul Attribute would be a thirty-foot fan pushing air from one-hundred feet away. The fan was thirty feet long, so even at one-hundred feet away, you'd feel the air pushing against you.

In comparison, Spiritual Body Manifestation was like that thirty-foot fan six inches away from your face. Being closer to the fan meant it was far, far, far more potent, but it also meant that the fan could be destroyed.

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