Questions [12]

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(Y/n) was surprised when Ichigo found some fish that couldn't quite be classified as monsters, but certainly couldn't be found on Earth to eat. She deduced whether they were edible or not in an instant, with a glint in her eye that confirmed she'd eaten monsters before. When he asked her about the trees' sap, she admitted that she didn't know much more than he did, noting that it probably was keeping the trees hydrated, supplemented with a horrible stench to keep big animals like bears or wolves away from it.

With a fire, the two slowly ate while they spoke to one another. In between bites, Ichigo spoke up with a low hum.

"Okay, are these all your summoned creatures?" Ichigo asked, glancing around to see at least 15 different summons, and those were only the ones on the instant perimeters. Plenty more had spread out under Igris's orders.

(Y/n) glanced at the screens in the corner of his eye, laughing nervously.

[Soul Revival (Active) | Lv. 1]
Revive the soul of recently killed being. The chance of failure increases the higher the target's stats are.
Souls able to be revived: 50/50

[Soul Storage (Active) | Lv. 1]
Store the soul of a revived being. Stored souls can be summoned and stored at the user's will.
Souls able to be stored: 5/5

The ability to have 50 summons was absolutely insane, and (Y/n) almost wanted to applaud Ichigo for waiting so long to ask the most obvious question.

(Y/n) debated on whether he wanted to tell Ichigo the entire truth or not. The System seemed like an unnecessary addition to the conversation, as it could confuse Ichigo more than it may help her, but even if he ignored that part of his Dual Awakening, there was still a lot of other parts that he was confused about despite being the person to experience it all.

He could feel Ichigo's curious eyes peering into him, so he let out a sigh and slowly nodded.

"Well, first, could you... remind me how we first met?" (Y/n) asked, chuckling nervously.

Ichigo blinked. "Ah, I thought I already explained that."

(Y/n) blinked aggressively, "Have we really gotten any time to actually talk yet???"

Ichigo nodded softly, "Well... it was last year.... Or at least... I think it was...?"


(Y/n) barely tried not to yawn as Ichigo tried to recall what happened last year. She went on and on and on just to get very miniscule results, basically confirming to (Y/n) that she couldn't remember much better than he did.

After so long of the droning on agony, (Y/n) interrupted her.

"Okay, okay, I feel like I get the point!" (Y/n) groaned, receiving a sheepish smile from Ichigo. "I gave you leviathan sushi, and you felt like you owed me!"

"Hehe, yeah, Momo always told me I was really bad at telling any kind of stories...." She laughed.

Letting out a soft sigh, (Y/n) filed the name Momo under a mental list of people who he had to thank for their honesty before shaking his head, looking into the fire.

He couldn't tell if he was being stupid or not. When he was younger, he'd read stories about special individuals who received individual powers all the time. The main characters would, without fail, choose to keep them secret in fear of others finding out and wanting to use their powers for whatever villainous reasons they could think of.

In most of those stories, the main character would always fly under the radar and never have to think about hiding their abilities after so long. In a select few, their abilities got out despite their attempts to keep them secret, and the main character would suffer consequences for actions that really weren't their fault.

[Dual Leveling!] Solo Leveling X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now