Cutscene 3 [54]

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(Y/n) realized, he didn't know much at it, if anything. He couldn't vocally communicate with his Summons, and as such, he didn't learn much about it. He'd planned to learn more about Summoning from Lolikiano whenever he trained with her, but that fell to the wayside when he'd started to use more of his Umbral techniques.

Sung shook his head, "Not much. What happened after you died?"

Yama opened his mouth, then closed it. "Death was not a... pleasurable experience, but it was a necessary one. I ended up in an infinite darkness, and... and I remember hearing your voice call out to me."

(Y/n) listened intently.

"And there was this... this... being. I cannot remember what they said, or if they said anything at all, but I remember their intentions clearly. They showed me what life could be like alongside you, as allies, as... friends."

(Y/n) squinted. "What do you mean? Did it show you in visions, or was it another way?"

Yama frowned, "I... don't know. I just know I saw the future."

(Y/n) thought about that for a moment before gesturing for Yama to continue. He sounded so positive (Y/n) doubted he'd receive much more information than that.

"At first, I didn't believe what I'd learned. So, I didn't answer your call for a long time. I sat there, in the darkness, berating and insulting myself for my actions. I couldn't believe what I had done, and I didn't believe I deserved to follow you. So, for over a decade, I did just that, until I comprehended your words.

"This wasn't a gift, but rather a way to repent. It was a way to grow and make the world a better place, rather than a worse one. So, I finally answered the call, and I'd left the being behind."

"What was this being like? Did it have two, really large, glowing golden eyes?" (Y/n) asked, remembering the being within the Void.

Yama nodded, seeming to vaguely remember, "Yes, yes, I believe so. It was a woman's form too, although I hesitate to say whether that being held a gender like many beings do."

"What else can you remember?"

Yama shook his head sadly, "Nothing, unfortunately. I was in such a disheveled state that I didn't think to ask questions. I admit, it's quite a failure as a scientist. However, although I can't say much more about that, I can say more about Summoning as a general process."

(Y/n) blinked. "You can?"

Yama nodded proudly, "I may be a scientist of the soul, but that never meant I excluded other information from my research. After all, Summoning is an innately personal experience. In order to Summon, you'd need something to Summon, and a personal medium to summon them through.

"For an example, a human may summon a monster and sacrifice hair or blood to do so. They're personal to that person, so they work extremely well as summonable mediums. As such, on a general scale, mana isn't very strong as a medium, and a soul is the strongest of the mediums."

(Y/n) hummed. "In that case, why doesn't everyone just use their soul all the time for their Summons?"

Yama shook his head, smiling, "The soul is a delicate resource. It does come back over time, but the process is not a fast one. If they share too much of their soul and have nothing left...."

"They die, got it," (Y/n) finished, nodding. Yama smiled, happy that (Y/n) understood him.

"A Contract is also an important part of the deal, especially for longer bonds between Summons and Summoners. A Contract can simply bind two being together, or it can make conditions for Summoning, allowing for a Summon or Summoner to have more freedom in their ways."

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