Door [2]

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"Y'know, I always need to spend extra long healing you, even though I just turned into an A-Rank Hunter. If you weren't... you, this would be annoying," Julie Heyun huffed, pursing her lips. "But you're you, so you're the exception."

(Y/n) let out a low hum.

"I don't know if that should make me as conflicted as it does," The E-Rank noted, and now it was his turn to purse his lips.

"You basically have a personal A-Rank Healer, I don't get why you'd feel anything except happiness!" Julie let out a small sigh, relaxing her shoulders before locking eyes with her friend. "(Y/n), why do you work as a Hunter? Wouldn't a normal desk job or working as a miner be better?"

Julie's hand glowed with a calming light; the main sign of her healing skill being activated. She softly held her hands on her E-Rank friend's various wounds, carefully watching as the injuries repaired themselves under her mana.

"Having a desk job or being a miner, huh?" (Y/n) repeated her words, debating exactly what he wanted to say to the A-Rank.

(Y/n) couldn't deny her words, they both made sense, since she didn't know his exact situation. For someone who was paying a steep rent, hospital bill, and had to take care of his younger sister, a desk job just wouldn't work. (Y/n) wasn't a very skilled young man, so learning and somehow excelling at such a job seemed impossible from his perspective.

Hunting created a somewhat consistent stream of revenue, even if he was constantly putting his life on the line for it.

Being a miner though, could've worked. It would bring in a higher flow of income and he could slowly rise in the ranks if he did well enough. He was a physical Awakened atop of that, so his strength would assist him. All-in-all, being a miner was a smarter idea for the young man.

Unfortunately, he'd botched the first chance he had to be a miner with the Hunters Guild by missing the appointed day.

"Well, I'm just... a fan of fighting monsters. Hunters must hunt and all that jazz," (Y/n) laughed nervously, beads of sweat rushing down his face. He decided to keep that information to himself, silently thinking that telling Julie about it may make her feel bad.

"Hunters must hunt, huh? Well at the rate you get hurt at, it seems like you're the one who'll be hunted!" Julie huffed, finishing up her healing and slowly rising from her spot. She extended a hand to (Y/n) despite her comments. He took her help and rose at her side.

(Y/n) glanced around the dungeon's room, looking at his stronger allies who were easily disposing of the remaining monsters.

The area wasn't too bizarre for a basic dungeon, darkened due to the cavernous location, riddled with pillars, and odd sigils all about. The dungeon's enemies weren't atypical either, form-fitting goblins for a D-Rank dungeon.

"Do you remember exactly how we first met?" Julie questioned, looking over to the shorter man.

"That's... an odd question to ask out of nowhere," (Y/n) raised his eyebrows, the events of their odd introduction to one another playing within his head. "What's with the sudden question?"

"I'm just... curious. The raid's almost over so I wanted to ask about it," Julie smiled, looking off to her side. "I just wanted to see if you'd remember since it was a few years ago, after all. It was the whole reason I gave you that dagger."

(Y/n) hummed softly. He debated whether telling Julie the truth or not.

The E-Rank remembered the day clearly, but it was also not a day he remembered too fondly. If they hadn't met in such a way, he could've been on a different path―a better path.

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