Pandora [40]

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(Y/n) hoped his raging emotions didn't make it to his face. Anger, surprise, and disbelief appeared first. Then it was confusion, right before it was even stronger bewilderment.

If Pandora—which was extremely unlikely—the information could've been used for several other things. Just blatantly telling (Y/n) was a rather impractical idea, that is, if she was his enemy.

But clearly, she was working with Yogumunt, especially after actively telling the Sovereign to ready himself to kill (Y/n). But the situation wasn't as clear as it seemed. If she truly wanted (Y/n) dead, there'd be very little reason to send Yogumunt away to do so.

She could just kill him herself, or—if she didn't want to dirty her own hands—she could tell Yogumunt to attack him at that instant.

But she didn't do that.

Instead, she introduced herself. That could only mean that—

"You want something from me, right?" (Y/n) said after a moment.

Pandora pouted, her hands falling to her hips. "And what if I just want to be your friend, huh?"

(Y/n) stared at her.

She looked away, rolling her eyes. "Fine then, sheesh. Stop yelling, God, you're loud."

(Y/n) squinted.

She turned back to him, smiling with Julie's face. Her eyes glistened with glee. "Let's play a quiz game then!"

(Y/n) stared hard before Pandora pumped her index finger into the air. "Question number one! What's your strongest trait in a battle?!"

(Y/n) stared harder, but this proved to be the wrong option. Before he could react, the woman whispered in his ear, vanishing from her spot. "You have to play, or else you'll never win!"

A foot firmly lodged itself in (Y/n)'s gut, lifting him from the ground before he could recollect his bearings. He flew through two more walls, tumbling into a swiveling chair as debris and dust flew into the air.

(Y/n) desperately gasped for air, the attack gladly only hitting his MP rather than his HP.

'Umbra Shade and Wolf's Deity Coat are saving my ass here, still that blow stole a chunk of my MP away...!' (Y/n) barely steadied himself, looking up to Pandora, who happily bobbed her head.

"Okay, (Y/n), we're gonna try again! Question number one, what's your strongest trait in a battle?!"

(Y/n) responded quickly. "It's my reflexes."

Pandora made a sound, trying to roughly imitate a buzzer. "Wrong, wrong, wrong! The correct answer is your speed! You've always been really fast! Like, dodging that red knight's sword with minimal assistance! So, (Y/n) Sung, I want you to attack me with everything you've got!"

(Y/n) squinted, rising from his spot and lightly dusting himself off.

"Everything I've got?"

"Mhm! And if you don't, I'll hit you twice as hard."

(Y/n) took a breath in.

Playing into his enemy's palm didn't seem horribly smart, but he couldn't find any other avenues of success. He hoped she'd leave like she told Yogumunt she would after her little game was over, so he humored her, even if he wasn't particularly interested in her antics.

And then he breathed out, dashing through the space with his everything. He appeared before Pandora in a fraction of a second, his fist clenched tightly as it launched towards Pandora's stomach. His fist slammed into her, dust rocketing after him.

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