Chapter 26

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The following day, President Ajojo was in a joyful mood as  all his problems were now solved. President Ajojo walked in his office beaming with joy. He played a Jazz song in the sound system. He switched on the TV and saw news of the police station were Stanley was kept. He saw that police officers were gunned down last night.

He started to panic as he thought who could behind the attack. Minister Akin came in rushing in.

"Mr President, I..." Akin stops as he sees that President Ajojo seeing the news.

President Ajojo switches off the TV and the sound system.

"Why I'm I finding out this on the bloody news now? I thought I made it clear that Stanley Obango must be taken out yesterday!" His anger flares out and he actually finds himself screaming at Akin.

"I'm sorry, Mr President. I..."

"Stop it with your apologies. I had enough of them, will your apologies get Stanley?"

Akin remains silent.

"That's right. Lately you're dropping the ball too much. Look, now we don't know where the hell is he? What's he is planning? By the way who got him out?"

"I'm honestly don't have a clue yet."

President Ajojo be sighed heavily. He looks frustrated. "Damn, it! I should fire all of you useless people. You can't kill one man? Looks now we must hunt him down again." President Ajojo's eyes  blazing with fury as he looks at Akin.

"We will try to find him." Akin assured.

There was a loud explosion.

"What the hell was that?" President Ajojo asks.

President Ajojo's bodyguard entered the office.

"Mr President, we're under attack. A group of armed me have entered the premise." The bodyguard informed.

Gunshots are fired outside.

"We have to leave now, Mr President."

President Ajojo leave with the bodyguard with minister Akin following them.

Another bodyguard approached them.

"I'm afraid we can't leave the house, I have lost all contact with the guards outside." The bodyguard said.

"What! You mean we're surrounded by them." President said as he looks worried.

The bodyguard nodded.

"Call for back up." President Ajojo demanded.

"I tried, I can't get through to them."

"Damn it, we're absolutely screwed. Oh, I can't die now. What about my family." Akin said nervously.

"Shut up, Akin." President Ajojo hissed.

The door blew up, within seconds the armed men entered but the bodyguards opened fire at the armed men. President Ajojo and Akin ran away. The bodyguards managed to kill some of the armed men but they soon ran out of ammunition.

The armed men fired back by forces as they shoot the last remaining guards. 

President Ajojo and Akin run to the passage, they stand there with President Ajojo taking out his gun.

The armed men went to the passage but were met by President Ajojo who shot them. The armed men stepped back as the five of their colleagues are on the floor.

"Come get some more you punks! I'm the boss here, you think you can come here and take my power. I own this country fools! Nobody will stop me." President Ajojo shouted.

The armed men came in the passage but President Ajojo was already shooting at them.

"Shit!" Akin cursed as he sees Commander Ace with his men from behind President Ajojo who was not aware of them.

President Ajojo turn to look at them, Commander shot President Ajojo on the leg, he collapsed on the floor. The gun fell away from him. The armed men quickly moved on them as they kick the gun away from his reach.

"President Ajojo, no let me say former president Ajojo." Commander Ace said mockingly.

President Ajojo was in pain as his leg was bleeding. Akin raised his hands in surrender.

"Mission accomplished, men. Take them away." Commander Ace ordered.

The men hand cuffed Minister Akin and President Ajojo.

Stanley watched from outside as he saw the men came out with President Ajojo limping and Akin handcuffed.

Commander Ace came to him.

"We did it, Stan."

"Yep, it done. The dictator has been finally overthrown. He must pay for his crimes." Stanley said as looks on as President Ajojo and Akin get in the car.

"He will pay for everything. And we thank you Mr Obango for waking up our nation to stand up and fight for their rights." Commander Ace said as he shakes hand with Stanley.

Stanley felt happy to see his dream finally achieved.




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