Chapter 1

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Stanley Obango looked at his surrounding, things looked different, from good to worse. He was still taking it in how his beloved country had became a shadow of it former self. The economy of the country was in a poor state, corruption was a higher, human rights were violated, food security was declining, healthcare was poor as public hospitals ran out of medicine, the education system was falling as some schools are closed and the unemployment rate was higher than ever in the country's history.

Stanley recently came back to his home country after twenty years living abroad. He left New Coast with his mother who was a domestic worker for the wealthy Smith family who left the country to start a new life in the USA. Leaving New Coast as a child he left his father and his older brother Jabu.

Stanley came back to bury his brother Jabu who died in the hands of the private police of President Alexander Ajojo, his late brother was a prominent political activist.

Stanley was a well educated man as he a degree in political science and a degree in business management. He saw that something must be done to help his people who have been suffering in the oppressive rule of President Ajojo, but the main concern for him was how was he going to start helping his people?

Stanley returned home, he found his father Bishop Amos reading a book outside the yard.

"My son, I was worried sick about you. Where have you been?" Bishop Amos asks as closes the book.

"I decided to take a walk and see my beloved country, it breaks my heart to see how things are bad out there. People are suffering because of one selfish man!"

"Shh, son don't talk like that about the President." Bishop Amos warned.

"Come on, this so called leader of the people is useless, everything in this country is doing down while he lives a fancy life at the presidential palace."

"Stanley! I'm warning you stop this thing now. I lost your brother because of this attitude like yours, he thought he could make the change. Son, no one can make the change. Alexander Ajojo is a powerful man, so please my son I don't want to lose you too in the hands of Ajojo's security forces." Bishop Amos pleaded as looks terrified.

Stanley took time to respond to his father's plead, he could see his father was terrified of President Ajojo. Stanley loved and respected his late brother, to Stanley it felt like he should take over were his brother left.

"I'm sorry father, I've to do this. The people of this country deserve better than this."

"Stanley, you don't know what you're getting yourself into, you're risking your life and our lives too. Have you talked with your wife about his suicidal mission of your?" Bishop Amos commented as looks fed up.

"No, but she will understand."

"Son, you're gamble with your marriage. Your wife expects that now that the funeral of Jabu is over, both of you will be heading home to the USA. Think of your wife first, you can't just order her to stay in this country. Consult with your wife about this thing of yours. I have seen many try to overthrow Ajojo, and all of them are six feet under as we speak. Don't get involved in this messy political problems of this country."

"Father, my wife will understand."

Stanley's wife Susan came out of the house.

"What will I understand?" Susan inquired as she looks at Stanley in the eyes.


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