Chapter 23

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Stanley was arrested by the police after being captured by the two herders. Stanley was in the police room, he had bruises on the face. The state police had been interrogating him for hours.

The police officer who threatened to kill him entered the room.

"Stanley Obango." He beams as he walks around Stanley. "We've found you at last, but those two agents should have killed you. But I guess I must be the one who does it."

"I don't care what you do to me, do whatever you want." Stanley's voice was weak.

The police officer smiled.

"I like it. It seems like you've accepted your fate." The officer sat on top of the table near Stanley who was hand cuffed.

"I have do my bit. My people will continue the struggle. You may think that killing me is going to make you problems go away - then you're fooling yourself. I have made the people of this country to stand up and fight."

"You're the fool here. What did you gain by all of this huh? You gained nothing. Your people must accept that President Ajojo will rule for a long time." The officer snapped.

"I have done my job, but remember one thing this is not over." Stanley said.

"Well, it over for you pal. But at least you leave something beautiful for me." The officer says with joy as he smiles."Damn, your wife is really beautiful."

Stanley started to get worried.

"You stay away from my wife!"

The officer laughed.

"Your wife will need a man after you're dead, and I'm available to fill that position. I'll take care of her."

"Stop it! If I didn't have this hand cuffs I would have teachd you some manners."

The officer smiled. "You wish, my friend. But enjoy your last days here. As for me I'm preparing to marry your wife by force. Later loser." The officer said mockingly as he stood up.

Stanley watched as the officer leaves the room. He slammed his hands on the table as the thoughts of Susan being taken by the police officer made him frustrated. He needed to escaped and save his wife, but chances of escaping were slim.


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