Chapter 6

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Two weeks later Stanley had began his mission, he distributed food parcels to the needy families. While Susan opened a soup kitchen drive at the church, many people came in for breakfast and lunch, Susan also started a small tutoring program  for the community children.

On the the other side Stanley was  motivating his fellow people about standing up against the government of president Ajojo. Stanley planned a protest that will be held in the capital city Dowe, all the preparation were going smooth as he capitalised on social media to spread his plan protest.

Stanley went to his father's church after delivering food parcels to his neighbors. He found his father deep in prayer. He waited till he find. Bishop Amos saw Stanley near the door.

"Ah, son."

"Dad. I want you to pray for me for this journey I've chosen to take, as we speak the protest I planned is going ahead." Stanley said as he walks to his father.

"Son, I will pray for you, but do me one favor don't let the fame and money change you. When Alexander started his journey, he was humble and fought for the people. Look now what fame and money did to him, he lost his purpose. He only cares about himself and his family. Don't forget who you are." Bishop Amos says calmly.

"I will remember that."

"You see son, today we lack leaders who are accountable, leaders who have integrity, leaders who are selfless. Not this leaders who want to cling into power till they reach 80 or 90. One wise man once said a good dancer know when to leave the stage, now with Ajojo he overstayed his time." Bishop Amos commented as he cross his arms over his chest.

Stanley admired his father for his values and principles, he too wished he can be a leader that be accountable to his mistakes.

"And son, don't be corrupt. Corruption kills the society, think about the money you take from the poor what that money might have done to improve their lives for the better, and that make more ineqaulity in the society."

Stanley nodded his head as he listens attentively to his father.

"As I always tell youngsters leadership has this six pillar, willingness, vision, attitude, influence, action and accountability. Master that son you will be great leader."

"Thanks for the guidance, you're  really the best dad a person can ask for." A smile appears on Stanley's face as he talks.

Bishop Amos giggles. "Oh, son. You making me feel special."

"You are special, dad. I will always love you." Stanley added.

"Now let pray for you and for journey." Bishop Amos said.


You got to love Bishop Amos, he the real deal.

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