Chapter 8

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Stanley was holding a meeting with his community, one thing that made  people liked about him was that he was in touch with the people unlike president Ajojo. Stanley was on a drive to get more people for the protest.

"Why do we have to suffer because of one man? We the people of this country must stand up and fight for our country, think about the next generation. Do we what the next generation to suffer like us? We can't let happen. This country has natural resources but president Ajojo sell them for himself only while the people live in poverty."

The people in the audience nodded their heads as they felt the point of Stanley.

"This is our time to show president Ajojo that his time is over; we can't have him as our leader anyone. The situation is bad people, he may live a lavish lifestyle, but majority of the people suffer that is not the country I want. I want a country with freedom of speech, with no violation of human rights. A country that shares the wealth amongst it people, that way we end ineqaulity and corruption. The time is now that we stand up and fight for this country."

The people looked inspired by Stanley.

"This country deserve more than this corrupt government. Time for dictators like Ajojo must end. What new ideas will come out with to help us?" Stanley asks as he looks at his people.

"None. That why I want to you my fellow people to join on this fight for our freedom. Power!"

"To us!" The people said.

"To us." Stanley says as he raises his fist.

"Power!" The people replied.

"I thank for your time." Stanley said calmly.

The people clap their hands. The meeting was over, the people walked away. A man came to Stanley as he as putting his notebook on his bags.

"Your brother would be proud of you." The man complimented.

Stanley looked at the man with a smile.

"You remind me of your brother, he cared about his people just like you."

"Thanks for that."

"By the way, I'm Bibo, I knew your brother. We worked well together and it would be my honor to work with you." Bibo said as he extends his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Bibo. I will be happy to work with you. I need more people in this fight." Stanley responded as he shakes hands with Bibo.

"Don't worry, I have already mobilised my people too. This protest is the start of big things." Bibo commented.

"I like that."

"It this Ajojo must fall." Bibo states with a determined tone.

Stanley liked the attitude of Bibo already, as they talk. Both men had the same goal which was to end the rule of president Ajojo.





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