Chapter 21

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Stanley and Bibo kept moving from one to another. They slept on the forest. Stanley missed his family especially Susan. Walking for days without food and water - it was starting to take a toll on them as they looked tired.

"If we can get to the nearest village and get some water." Stanley says as in a low voice.

"We are nearly there, we just have to keep on moving." Bibo said as he wipes the sweat.

"Damn, it been a days since I last bathed or ate anything."

"Yep, that's the story of our lives. We are lucky that we are still alive."

"That's true, Bibo. It's give me hope that we'll survive this. I can bet Ajojo is really looking for us non-stop."

As they walked they see two goat herders. Bibo whistled at them to stop. The two herders stopped.

"I think the herders have water." Bibo said as he walks toward them. Stanley was behind.

"Hey guys, we are so thirsty. Don't you have water?"

The two herders looked at Bibo suspiciously and they looked at Stanley. One of the herders open his bag inside the bag was a paper that had the face of Stanley. The herder gives Bibo a bottle of water.

Stanley started to panic as he felt an uneasily feeling about the two men.

"Stanley, come to drink." Bibo said as he takes a sip.

One of the herders takes out a gun and shot Bibo. Stanley immediately ran away with the herders chasing after him.


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