Chapter 22

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Later a night, President Ajojo was standing at the lounge with a glass of whiskey on his hand. He was still thinking about what he did to his son; he had no regret about his actions. While he takes a sip Clara came in the lounge with a suitcase. President Ajojo looks confused.

"And then?" He inquired.

"I'm leaving you."


"I can't stay here with you after what you did to my our son."

"He was not my son."

"I still can't believe you killed Harry because he's gay. He was my only child."

"Clara, you don't understand what your son did. He was supposed to be arrested but I had to end his life to avoid our already tarnished reputation to be more tainted. Imagine the headlines President Ajojo's son arrested for being gay." President Ajojo voice was cold. "I had to do it."

"Is that suppose to make me feel better huh? I would have preferred my son to go to prison than for him to die." Clara responded as she becomes emotional.

"Deal with it, woman." President Ajojo said as he takes a sip.

Clara shakes her head. "What has happened to us? I had time to reflect on things, we failed Harry as parents, we failed the people of this country. We allowed greed to get the better of us. Look at us now? Where is the Alexander I fell in love with, not this one who is self-centered." Clara says in a sad tone.

President Ajojo laughs. "Wow, Clara, you amaze me. You're now talking like this."

"Alexander, losing my son has really opened my eyes to see true about us."

"While you're still here, I must inform you that I have ordered that the body of Harry be cremated. And his ashes will be thrown away tommorow."

"What? How could you do such a thing without consulting me first! I had every right to know. This is the last straw, I'm done with you, Alexander." Clara roared.

"I'm the head of this family. I decide you obey." President Ajojo said confidently.

"I hate you, Alexander! I wish you burn in hell for what you have done to Harry. You have become a monster."

Clara takes her suitcase and heads to the door before she exit the door she stops and looks at President Ajojo. "Expect to receive divorce papers from my lawyer. I will make you pay." Clara said in threatening tone.

President Ajojo moved closer to Clara who looked worried as President Ajojo came close to her.

"You know very well, I don't take threats kindly. Don't push me like your son did. I would not hesitate to kill you."

Clara shivers.

"I will make you suffer, Clara." President Ajojo's expression is cold as he violently take the suitcase from Clara. "You came here with nothing and you'll leave with nothing. Get out of house!"

Clara left the house. President Ajojo takes a sip as his jaw clenched.


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