Chapter 18

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It been two days after the protest, and the effects of the protest were starting to sink in to President Ajojo as many Western countries imposed economic sanctions toward New Coast, this was the last thing he wanted and that didn't end there as other African countries isolated New Coast.

Around the world demonstrations were held in solidarity with the people of New Coast. Pressure was mounting for the Ajojo administration. President Ajojo was in his office, he looked as a worried man, as he watching the news as the protest was spreading to other provinces of the country.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Enter!" President Ajojo shouted.

Minister Akin entered the office.

"Akin, tell me you have found this man behind  this crisis?"

"No, my men went to his home and they found no trace of him, we even tried to trace his cellphone, but nothing still." Akin stated.

Ajojo slams the table with his fist.

"Nonsense! You're telling me a whole police force is struggling to find one man."

"We are doing our best, Mr President."

"Don't you tell me that bull! Do you understand that we have lost a lot because of him. Now this country is faced with this crisis, we are  alone! No one wants to do business with with us. How will we survive in this huh?" President Ajojo asks as he walks toward Akin.

"I also have bad news." Akin says as he looks scared of Ajojo's gaze.

"Not another problem. Will this week end, I can't take this!" He hissed.

Akin took out a cell phone. "It was found in one of the dead protester." Akin says as he gives President Ajojo cellphone.

"What's in it?" President Ajojo takes the cell phone.

"You will see for yourself, Mr President."

President Ajojo looks at the phone.

"I'll leave you to look at what's inside that phone."

Minister Akin left the office.

Can you guess what's inside the phone?

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