Chapter 25

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Stanley walked around his cell, on his mind he thought of Susan. Stanley needed to act fast to save Susan. He looked  around for anything that might be useful in his escape, but nothing was there for him.

Stanley kneed down and started praying for Susan and his father safety. He could sense that the Ajojo administration was not going to put him on a trial, he knew that he will be killed.

As he was about to stand up - he heard gunshots from the reception. Stanley went back for cover, the gunshots kept on. Within five minutes the gunshots were becoming louder.

Stanley saw the door of cell room open. A group of armed men entered the cell room, a man dressed in military uniform entered the room.

"You must be the famous Stanley Obango." The man said as he looks at Stanley.

Stanley nods.

"I'm Commander Ace Mungwe, we as the Lions have come to rescue you."

Stanley was speechless about what just happened. He couldn't believe it that he was free.

"Wait, you mean you came all the way to free me?"

"Yes, your videos inspired us to leave the military and join your cause for a greater New Coast."

Commander Ace signals his man to open the cell.

"I thank you all for saving my life." Stanley said as he looks sincere.

The man opens the cell. Stanley get out of the cell.

"Can you use a gun?" Inquired Commander Ace.


Commander Ace gives him the gun.

"Welcome to the Lion of New Coast. We fight for freedom of our people. We die for our people. Are you prepared for be that." Commander said as he steps closer to Stanley.

"Yes, I'm willing to die for my people." Stanley replied.

"Good. Listen up men, it time we paid Ajojo a visit. He shall be overthrown by force." Commander Ace said with passion.

The men cheered.


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