Chapter 12

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Harry heard voices laughing at the lounge, he wanted to see who his parents were entertaining. Harry as he walk to the lounge, he stopped and listened to the conversation.

"Mr president, my family is really happy about our daughter Nadia marrying your son." A male stated.

"We too as the Ajojo are thrilled and even my son Harry can't wait to marry you Nadia." President Ajojo informed.

Nadia smiled as she looks down.

"We raised a respectful girl in Nadia, your son is lucky to marry her. And we hope he treats her well."  Another male voice said.

"We raised a good boy. Harry is a well mannered boy, he knows how to treat a woman." Clara responded.

Harry could not take it anymore as listening to them talk was bringing him down. He left them as they continued conversation. Harry stood outside the balcony, he looked devastated as it seemed like he will be a husband to Nadia. It was too much for Harry. He felt a gentle touch from behind him, he turned and saw a beauty young lady with a smile on her face.

"You must be Harry?"

"Who wants to know?" Harry asks.

"Nadia, Harry's soon to be wife." She beams with joy.

"Yes, you're looking at him." Harry says in a low tone.

"Wow, nice to finally meet you. Your parents have told me the best things about you."

"Don't believe everything you hear from them." Harry warned.

Nadia's smiles fades.

"What do you mean?" Nadia asks.

Harry wanted to be honest with Nadia about being gay but he was afraid to confess.

"That's a story for another day."

"Well, I can't wait to be married to you and start your family. Oh, this is going to be cool, plus when you become president of our country I Nadia will be the first lady." Nadia said with enthusiasm.

"Wait, we haven't been married and you're be already talking about starting a family and being first lady."

"Yep, baby. My job is take good care of you." Nadia says as she holds Harry hand.

Clara came into the balcony.

"Hmm, I see love is in the air." She said teasingly.

Nadia giggles.

"Your uncles are leaving, Nadia." Clara smiles as she talks.

"Oh, see you soon my husband." Nadia blows a kiss to Harry. "Bye Mrs Ajojo."

Nadia went inside. Clara moved closer to Harry.

"Hm, she really likes you."

"Well, I don't." Harry growls.

"We don't care about what you say, she will be your wife. You better get used to that." Clara's tone trying to be friendly but coming out cold.

Clara went back inside the house.


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