Chapter 17

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Police cars came in rushing at the Obango homestead, Bishop Amos came out of the house, he saw police officers getting out of the cars. Two officers were approaching Bishop Amos.

"Officers, what a pleasant surprise. Have you came here to for a confession session?" Bishop Amos asked.

The two officers looked at each other. One of the officer slapped Bishop Amos on the face.

"You think we are here to play around. You fake Bishop!" The officer cursed.

Bishop Amos was embarrassed as he was hit on the face by a young man.

"Where is your son?" The officer asked.

"I don't know."

"He telling us lies." The other officer commented.

"It's the truth, I don't know where he is."

"More lies again! He hiding his foolish child. Your son is in a big mess, and when we  find him he will pay for the chaos he has made in this country."

"My son is fighting for his people. Is that a crime?"

"Don't try to be clever here, your son broke the law for starting this protest." The officer huffed.

"Last chance, old man, where is he?"

"I really don't know."

One of the officer grabbed Bishop violently and threw him to the ground. The officer started beating Bishop Amos. Other officers watched on, Bishop Amos cries for help. Susan came out of the house and was shocked by what was happening. She tried to stop the assault but she was stopped by the other officer.

"Stop it! This is wrong. Why are you assaulting an old person?" Susan shouted as she tries break free from the officer.

The officer stopped beating Bishop Amos who was bleeding blood from the nose.

"Woman, shut up! I'm teaching this old bag respect. He hiding his son." The officer roared as he looks at Susan.

"He's telling the truth. We have not seen Stanley. Let go of him, he doesn't know him." Susan pleaded.

The officer walked toward Susan.

"You must be the wife of that scumbag. He sure chosen a beautiful wife in you, he's one lucky man." The officer said in a seductive voice as touches Susan inappropriately. "But we will find him and I'll personally kill him myself. Then I'll came back for you to be my wife." The officer in said as he blows a kiss to Susan. "Bye for now, my soon to be wife." The officer giggled as he signals his colleague to let her go.

Susan looked terrified by the officer. The officers went back to their cars, Susan ran to Bishop Amos who was lying on the ground.

"Dad, are you okay?" She inquires, her voice full of concern.

Bishop Amos coughed heavily.

"I'll be fine, my dear." Replied Bishop Amos.

The police officers left the Obango homestead. Susan watched on as they leave, she was worried by what the officer said to her. She hoped Stanley can survive this challenge. The thought of being a wife to that officer was terrifying.



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