Chapter 16

16 4 1

Stanley and Bibo were running in a forest. They kept on running till both of them were tired. Stanley sat down as he wipes the sweat, he didn't imagine his planned protest would turn out like this. Bibo's eyes were checking everywhere.

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this." Stanley breathing heavily.

"Welcome to New Coast, this has become a norm to us. The Ajojo administration has been treating us like this when we try to protest."

"Damn, it all my fault. Innocent people died because of me." Stanley says as he looks remorseful.

Bibo sat down near Stanley.

"Don't you dare blame yourself, you did this in order to help the people of this country. The only person to blame is that evil President." Bibo commented.

"I hear you." He muttered.

"Probably Ajojo's men are after us. We must find a place to hide out. If you have a phone on you throw it away; they might track us with it."

Stanley takes out his phone, he switched it off as he stood up. He threw the phone in the other side of the forest.

"We must keep on moving, Stanley." Bibo said as stood up.

Stanley nodded. "Let's go."

Stanley and Bibo continue their journey.


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