Chapter 11

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Bishop Amos was deep in his sleep until he was woken up by a loud knock on the door. Bishop Amos got out of bed, the knocking continues as Bishop leaves his room he meets Stanley also getting out of his room.

"Who could be knocking this early in the morning?" Stanley asks as he walks with his father toward the door.

"I have no idea. Who is it?" Bishop Amos inquires.

"It us, Bishop."

Stanley and his father looked confused by the response. Bishop Amos door the door, he saw a large number of people outside his yard; women were holding their children, men were holding parcels. They all seemed to devastated, some were crying. A man was standing near the door.

"What happened?" Bishop Amos asks as he looks at the people.

"They chased us. They took out home by force." A man explains frantically.

"They? Who's they?" Stanley asks as he step outside.

"The private police of president Ajojo, they took out land by force. Now we don't have a place to stay." The man said as he shakes his head.

"This is absolutely wrong, he can't do that." Stanley says as he looks concerned.

"We have nothing, we left  everything at our homes. Bishop, can you help us with shelter." The man pleaded.

Bishop Amos looked at Stanley.

"Okay, you can all go to the church and wait there." Bishop Amos said.

The villagers walked toward the church.

"What kind of leader that does this? Alexander must be stopped at what he's planning. He can't just take other people's land for his benefit." Bishop Amos says as he watches the villagers.

Stanley felt sad about what happened to the villagers. He saw  the pain in the faces of villagers. He wished he could do something for the villagers.

"Let me go and get the key for the church." Bishop says as he walked to the house.

Stanley stood there as he watches his people.

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