Chapter 20

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Harry was rushed to the hospital, he had lost a lot of blood. Clara sat down on the waiting area, she was broken; the thought of losing her only child was heartbreaking to her.

Minister Akin walked in the waiting area. Clara stood up ran to Akin to hug him. Clara and Akin have been friendship for years.

"How is he?" Akin inquired.

"They're still working on him."
Clara wipes the tears as they sat down. "I can't believe Alexander would want to kill my only child. He has become a monster."

Minister Akin looks guilty. "I'm sorry, Clara. It all my fault." Akin confessed.

Clara turn and gaze at Akin who looked remorseful.

"It all my fault. I'm the one who gave Alexander the phone with Harry kissing another man."


"I thought I was doing the right thing. I was just doing my job."
Akin justified.

"You thought wrong! Look now what your actions have done - my son is fighting for his life. I thought you were a true friend."

"I'm a true friend."

"Please don't talking! I don't wanna hear anything coming from you traitor. You value your friendship with Alexander more than ours. You better pray that my son survives this." Clara said with anger in her tone.

Akin sighed heavily.

"Clara, I'm..."

"Shut up! I don't wanna see you ever again. You actions have hurt me so much." Clara wipes the tears.

Clara's chauffeur, Aniko steps toward Akin. "Sir, I suggest you leave."

Akin looks at Clara, he sees that she hurt by his actions. Akin regrets giving the phone to President Ajojo. Akin stood up and slowly walked away.

"Thank you, Aniko." Clara says as she looks at Aniko.

A Doctor came out of a ward and walked towards them. Clara stood up.

"Doctor, what's the latest with my son?"

The Doctor remained silent for a couple of minutes.

"I'm sorry Mrs Ajojo, we tried our best but it was already too late. Your son has passed on."

Clara almost fell down but was grab by Aniko who assisted her to take a seat. "It's can't be, not my Harry." Clara said in disbelief as tears fall from her eyes.

"Condolences, Mrs Ajojo." The Doctor said.

The Doctor left them. Clara cried.




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