Chapter 9

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Harry walked around the campus, he was still avoiding Lucas. Harry was having thoughts of running away from New Coast with the prospect of marrying Nadia becoming a reality. Harry needed to decided fast as time was up against him. Coming out about being gay was terrifying to him, he could imagine how his father would react angrily toward him.

Harry heard a voice calling him.

"Harry! Harry! Harry!"

Harry stopped walking and turned around and saw it was Lucas, he wanted to just ignores him. Lucas came running to Harry.

"Harry, what's going on? I have been calling you but you ignore my calls, it like you're avoiding me."

"I have been too busy." Harry replied.

"Too busy to not even send a text? What have I done that made you hate me that my love." Lucas looked heartbroken as he speaks.

"Lucas, you done nothing wrong. It just life has been really challenging for me this days."

"But you can tell me what's bothering you. Maybe I might help you." Lucas suggested.

"No one can help me, this will change everything in my life."

Lucas started to get worried after hearing that from Harry.

"Babes, what do you mean when you say everything will change? Does that involves us?"

Harry sighed heavily as he nods his head.

"Why now Harry? Everything was going well for us and you tell me this."

"It not my choice, please understand that." Harry's tone is filled with sadness.

"What really happening between us? I feel like you don't want me anymore." Lucas asks.

"I do still love you. It just that my father..." Harry stops talking as he wipes the tears.

Lucas could see this was deep that he thought.

"Your father did what?"

"He making me marry someone I don't love. And what worries me is the thought of losing you." Harry confessed.

"Damn it!" Lucas cursed.

"You see what has been bothering me, it just stressful. I wish I could tell them I'm into man, but that would be end of me. I don't want to go jail."

"So, you're going to marry her just to please you parents? What about what you want? Harry I have told you before that your parents must know who you are. Just be brave and this is for your happiness."

"I have no choice! My father will disown me, imagine if he finds out I'm gay."

"You always have a choice in life. My parents  disowned me for being gay. But look at me I'm doing well for myself. Don't fear coming out. You're not alone."

Harry was fearful of his father. When he was a boy he saw his father kill a man in cold blood, those imagines still  come to his mind. He feared that he could end up dead like the man.

"It easy for you to say! You don't know what my father is like." Harry snapped.

"So, you re rather live a lie to please him?" Lucas inquires.

"I don't have a choice or else he would kill me. Lucas, I don't want us to end our relationship. Things will change, I have to put up an act and play being a husband. Our time will be limited." Harry said softly.

Lucas felt sad, he enjoyed spending time with Harry.

"Harry, do what you got to do. And I'll do what I have to do."

"What does that mean?" Harry's voice  sounds worried.

"Me and my fellow students are joining  the protest against your father. He must step down. I'm doing this for other LGBTI people who are voiceless."

"Lucas, don't get involved in this politics issues." Harry warned.

"So, that your father can keep oppressing us. If I die I would have died for a good course. Harry, I love and take care of yourself. Goodluck on your marriage."

"Are ... You breaking up with me?"

"I can't be with someone who's prepared to keep our love in the shadows. When you do find the courage to stand up to your parents, you know where to find me." Lucas said with compassion.

Harry looked torn apart, he couldn't believe Lucas was ending their relationship.

"Goodbye, Harry." Lucas said as he looks his surrounding, he saw no one near them. He moved closer to Harry. "I'll miss you." Lucas said as he gaze at Harry's eyes, they kiss passionately.





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