Chapter 7

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President Ajojo was hosting Roland Johnson, he's the chairman of the Johnson Holdings. Their relationship has been on the spotlight, as leaked email showed how Johnson Holdings bribed President Ajojo in the previous years.

Despite their relationship being on the spotlight to them it was business as usual, as they continued their corrupt dealings.

"Ah, Ronald, I can confirm your request of the land you wanted will be made a reality. My team is ldoing the paperwork to name that land in your name."

Ronald looked intrigued by what President Ajojo.

"Really? So soon."

"Yes, you're my friend and I must do everything for you with urgency." President Ajojo said as he takes a sip.

"That's what I'm talking about. You really do have my best interest at heart."

"I'll always have your interest at heart as long our relationship is beneficial to one other."

Ronald drags the cigar.

"Now, what about the villagers? Have you found them an alternative place?"

"Look, I don't run a charity organization, those villagers will have to find a place for themselves. I'm in it to make money."

"Indeed, who cares about those villagers." Roland says as he take his briefcase and opens it. The briefcase was full of money.
"This is our token of appreciation as Johnson Holdings."

President Ajojo smiled as he looks at the more. "Hm, money I like it. It what I live for." President Ajojo said as he takes a sip. "But it not enough."

"What do you mean it not enough? We agreed on this amount." Roland asks as he looks confused.

"Change of plans, I want in the deal of the game reserve."


"Come on Ronnie, I know you stand to gain a lot of money in this deal. Remember I'm the one who's taking the risk for you, without me you wouldn't be getting that land to build a game reserve."

"We didn't talk about this. I can't believe you're doing to me." Roland commented with disappointed tone.

"I'm businessman, I can't let such a opportunity pass me by. I want half of the business."

"That's ridiculous. You're killing me."

"Listen here! I'm doing you a favor, you don't want to take me on. I know your secrets and I can crush you just like that." President Ajojo snaps his finger.

"Is that a threat?" Ronald questions with a serious tone.

"No, it just a promise. You see, Ron, I'm not asking you, I demand to be in this deal." President Ajojo replied in a threatening voice.

Ronald felt under pressure now as he didn't expect Alexander to want in the deal. He didn't want to be a enemy of President Ajojo, but his demand was too much for Roland. President Ajojo's greediness for money was starting to show.

Ronald knew that President Ajojo was not taking no for an answer, he had to compile with the terms of the President.

"Okay you win. You'll get half an of the business." Ronald states as he looks uncomfortable.

President Ajojo smile. "Now you're talking, Ron. May we keep on making more money." President Ajojo said as he takes a sip.

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