Chapter 15

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The news of protest was a talk of the country as the number of those who died kept rising. Bishop Amos walked the lounge and saw Susan watching the news, she looked worried.

"Has Stanley phoned you?" Bishop Amos inquires as he sat near Susan.

"No." Susan responded as tears pop out from her eyes.

"He probably fine."

"We can't be sure of that, look at the number of people who passed on it keeps on going up. I have a feeling that my husband is also one of those killed." Susan wipes the tears.

Bishop Amos comforts Susan. "Let's not jump into conclusions. If he's alive he will make contact with us, let's just remain hopeful that he's still alive."

"Things were not supposed to be like this. This was supposed to be a peaceful protest, now many lives have been lost for good. Why can we solve things peaceful without using violence that leads to lose of life?" Susan questions.

"Well, my dear, I don't have all the answers but this world we live in is messed up. I wish we lived in that world were we have peace only with no wars." Bishop Amos commented.

"If I lose Stanley, I don't know what my life will be like." Worriedness was written on Susan's face as she speaks.

"Stanley is going to be fine, let's be positive. If we haven't received a call informing us about his death, then that means he's still alive. I think we should pray for him and his fellow protesters that are still alive that they be safe in this dark times for this country. Our government today has shown us that they will do anything to stop our people from expressing their dissatisfaction. Let's pry, my child." Bishop Amos said as he holds Susan's hand.


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